No doubts about the ability of the Anonymous group since the beginning years have intensified their activities demonstrating great technical skills. As always, the movement gives voice to social dissent and protest against amendments and decisions of governments guilty of not listening to the masses. Among the prominent victims group hacktivist there ‘s the FBI, […]
We are at an historical turning point today in U.S., and the situation is similar all over the world, threat of terrorist acts have been surpassed by cyber threats, this is the opinion of FBI Director Robert Mueller. Cyber crime, cyber-espionage, massive attacks, hacktivism, usage of cyber weapons against critical infrastructure are all phenomena that are increasing in frequency […]
The events of recent days from the closure of the Megaupload web site to the heavy offensive of the Anonymous group have distracted media attention from important cyber operations, in my opinion of military matrix, against Japan. Last week several Cyber attacks have been conducted against Japan institutions and corporates, the National Security of Japan […]
In these days we have witnessed the escalation of operations conducted by the Anonymous group, the hacker group that is espressing a social dissent througth cyber attacks. The Internet world is profoundly changing, and the threat of hacktivist groups represents one of the major cyber threats. We must consider that the attacks of these groups […]
This Christmas will be reminded also for the hack of the Stratfor Global Intelligence service made by collective Anonymous who disclosed company website and also a the full client list of over 4000 individuals and corporations. They gained access to a subscriber list stored on, and that list contained unencrypted credit card data. The full […]
It’s end of the year and time for reflections. Yesterday we have discussed on incident occurred to CAs, but what else will we remember of this 2011? No doubts, we will remember the new way to use Internet, an irreplaceable vector for social protests, expression of social malaise and of too much stolen liberty. We […]