A few days ago, the Anonymous hacking collective announced the imminent release of the identity of 1000 KKK members (Ku Klux Klan) under the operation #opKKK.
The popular Anonymous group has declared war to the white supremacy group Ku Klux Klan (KKK), the hacktivist has posted a video message on YouTube and a message on Twitter to announce that it is holding a list of names of the Klan members.
Anonymous confirmed that they hacked a Twitter account and that obtained by using it about 1000 klan member identities.
“All will be revealed next month around the one year anniversary of #OpKKK,” it tweeted, under the handle @Operation_KKK. The Anonymous campaign dubbed #OpKKK has begun in November 2014 in response to the menaces that KKK members made against peaceful protesters in Ferguson. Ferguson (Missuri) has become the center of racial tensions after the officer Darren Wilson killed the 18-year-old black boy, Michael Brown, in August 2014. “You are more than extremists. You are more than a hate group,” states the Anonymous’s message.” “You operate much more like terrorists and you should be recognized as such. You are terrorists that hide your identities beneath sheets and infiltrate society on every level.” “The privacy of the Ku Klux Klan no longer exists in cyberspace. You’ve had blood on your hands for nearly 200 years.” Anonymous also announced the imminent disclosure of the identities of 1000 members of the KKK.
As promised the hacktivist have leaked on Pastebin a trove of data of the alleged KKK members. The data include full names, email addresses, social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus), and related news articles.
On the Internet, it was already circulating a first dump of data containing personal information of alleged KKK members, the archive includes the names of four U.S senators, which obviously denied any affiliation with the KKK group.
The first leak release raised a heated debate inside the Anonymous Group, the official account for the @Operation_KKK took the distance from it and posted the following message.
Anonymous has a history of targeting any website that promotes racist and any kind of discrimination among the victims of Anonymous there is also The Nationalist Movement, a Mississippi-based white supremacist organization.
Stay tuned for more information!
(Security Affairs – Anonymous #OpKKK, hacktivism, KKK)