
Pierluigi Paganini December 28, 2014
Alleged Anonymous members leaked 13000 credentials for popular websites

A group of hackers claiming to be members of the collective Anonymous has released online a lot of 13,000 passwords and credit cards for popular websites. Hackers claiming to be members of the popular group of hacktivists Anonymous have leaked more than 13,000 alleged credentials for some popular websites, including Amazon, Playstation Network and Xbox Live. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 27, 2014
Lizard Squad hit the Tor network, after Christmas attacks on Sony PSN and XBox Live networks

Members of the hacking group Lizard Squad, which have paralyzed the networks of Xbox live and PlayStation PSN, now have targeted the Tor network. The hacking collective Lizard Squad that has paralyzed the Play Station Network and Xbox live networks at Christmas now seems to concentrate its efforts on the popular anonymizing Tor network. In time I’m […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 26, 2014
Lizard Squad took down again Sony PSN and Xbox Live networks

Hackers belonging to the Lizard Squad team have taken down at Christmas the online networks of both Microsoft Xbox Live and PlayStation network (PSN). The Lizard Squad hacking team has taken down the online gaming networks of both Xbox Live and PlayStation at Christmas. The attack does not come unexpected, unfortunately, the group Lizard Squad had already […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 26, 2014
Afghanistan CDN network compromised by Chinese hackers

Chinese hackers brought down all major Afghanistan Government websites by hacking an official CDN network used in the country. The experts of the ThreatConnect Intelligence Research Team (TCIRT) recently reported the operation, dubbed Operation Helmand, run by a group of Chinese hackers that attacked the entire Afghan government web network. The hackers allegedly used a targeted cross-site scripting […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 25, 2014
Hackers hit a poorly configured server to breach JPMorgan

Security experts involved in the investigation on the JPMorgan breach revealed that hackers exploited the lack of 2FA to compromise a server in the network. JPMorgan suffered months the biggest U.S. banking breach of all time, and now The New York Times provided more information on the case citing sources close to the experts involved in the […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 24, 2014
Who hacked a cluster of Tor servers in the Netherlands?

A cluster of Tor servers suffered an unexplained outage just after the warning of the Tor project. Only certainty is someone physically accessed servers. Recently the experts at the Tor project issued a warning of a possible cyber attack against the Tor network through the seizure of the Directory authorities that can “incapacitate” the overall architecture. The experts […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 23, 2014
Seizure of the directory authorities could block the Tor network

The Tor network could be seriously impacted by the seizure of directory authorities operated by law enforcement, despite it is a precious resource for all. The overall architecture of Tor network relies on nine directory authorities locate in the Europe and United States. The servers working as directory authorities provide a signed list of all the […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 20, 2014
USBdriveby, how to compromise a PC with a $20 microcontroller

USBdriveby is a device designed to quickly and covertly install a backdoor and override DNS settings on an unlocked machine via USB. The security experts Samy Kamkar (@SamyKamkar) has proposed a very interesting way to compromise an unlocked computer and deploy a backdoor on it simply by using a pre-programmed Teensy microcontroller. The cheap ($20) […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 20, 2014
Google is aware of NTP Exploits publicly available

Security researchers at Google have discovered several serious flaws affecting the NTP protocol, which are remotely exploitable by the attackers. Security experts at Google have uncovered several serious flaws in the Network Time Protocol (NTP), including several buffer overflows that are remotely exploitable. The Network Time Protocol is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 19, 2014
New security flaws in the SS7 protocol allow hackers to spy on phone users

German researchers have announced the discovery of news security flaws in SS7 protocol that could be exploited by an attacker to spy on private phone calls. A team of German researchers has discovered security flaws that be exploited by a threat actor to spy on private phone calls and intercept text messages on a large […]