
Pierluigi Paganini March 02, 2015
How to serve malware by exploiting Blu-ray disc attacks

A British hacker has found two Blu-Ray-borne attacks that could be run to infect machines, a technique that remind the method used by the Equation Group. Security expert Stephen Tomkinson from NCC Group has discovered a couple of vulnerabilities in the software used to play Blu-ray discs. The exploitation of the flaw could be used to implant […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 02, 2015
Hacking the hackers : A cyber resilience approach

A cyber resilience approach: the need to become cyber resilient is very essential because eliminating risks completely is impossible. Hacking emerged as a geeky, tech-oriented culture that was a little mischievous, but ultimately was about programming and finding faults or bugs in the code. It has evolved over time to become a criminal activity. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 02, 2015
Seagate NAS affected by a Remote Code Execution zero-day vulnerability

 A security expert discovered a Remote Code Execution zero-day vulnerability in Seagate Network Attached Storage (NAS) systems. A critical zero-day vulnerability affects Network Attached Storage (NAS) device software produced by the Seagate firm. The vulnerability was discovered by the security researcher OJ Reeves on October 7 and reported to Seagate that still hasn’t fixed the zero-day. The Seagate […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 27, 2015
Pharming attacks exploit default passwords to hack routers

Experts at Proofpoint uncovered a pharming attack that uses phishing to exploit router vulnerabilities and carry out malicious activities. Security firm Proofpoint revealed that its experts recently detected a spam campaign targeting organizations and primarily Brazilian Internet users. The spam campaign implements a very effective technique to spy on a victim’s Web traffic. The particularity of this […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 27, 2015
Joomla Reflection DDoS attacks exploit a Google Maps Plugin flaws

Akamai firm discovered numerous attacks exploiting a known vulnerability in a Google Maps plugin to run Joomla Reflection DDoS attacks against enterprises. Experts from Akamai Technologies’ Prolexic Security Engineering and Response Team (PLXsert) have discovered a vulnerability allows attackers to turn Joomla servers using the Google Maps plugin into a DDoS hacking tool. The worrying aspect […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 26, 2015
More than 1 Million WordPress websites are vulnerable to blind SQL Injection Attacks

A security bug in the WordPress plugin WP-Slimstat could be exploited by attackers to discover a “secret” key and use it to run blind SQL Injections. More than one million WordPress sites are potentially vulnerable to SQL injection attacks due to the presence of a critical flaw in the popular plugin WP-Slimstat. WP-Slimstat is an analytics plugin for […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 25, 2015
The Europol and security giants dismantled the Ramnit botnet

The Ramnit botnet has been shut down in a joint effort by the Europol and the security firms Symantec, Microsoft, and Anubis Networks. Another success For the Europol and its allies Microsoft, Symantec, and Anubis Networks. The organizations in a joint effort have shut down command and control servers of the popular Ramnit botnet. The Joint Cybercrime […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 24, 2015
Lizard Squad run a DNS hijacking against the Google Vietnam website

Alleged Hacker belonging to the hacking crew Lizard Squad run a DNS hajacking attack against the Google Vietnam domain. A nasty surprise for Internet users who visited the Google Vietnam website that was presented with a picture of a man taking a selfie, along with a message that claimed the website site was hacked by the […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 24, 2015
A critical remote execution flaw spotted in Samba Win-Linux interop code

CVE-2015-0240 is a critical security flaw in Samba that resides in the smbd file server daemon and can be exploited by a malicious Samba client remotely. Linux administrators urge to update their systems due to the discovery of a critical vulnerability the open source Linux-and-Windows-compatibility software Samba. The vulnerability in Samba, coded as CVE-2015-0240, affects versions […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 22, 2015
Samsung smartTVs don’t encrypt voice and text data

Samsung smartTV send unencrypted voice recognition data and text information across the Internet without encrypt it, allowing hackers to capture them. A few days ago I was one of the first to publish the news about the Samsung privacy policy that reports smartTV are sending user voice data to third parties. “Samsung SmartTV transmits data […]