
Pierluigi Paganini July 17, 2012
Anonymous, Wikileaks & Par:anoIA, evolution of hacktivism

In the last months we have assisted of an intensification of the operations that we common locate under the hacktivism umbrella. Millions of people claim freedom of internet access and the respect of human rights. The right to Internet access, also known as the right to broadband, states that all individuals must be able to […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 13, 2012
All the truth about Yahoo Contributor Network data breach

It’s hacking time! Within a few days we saw two attacks that had disastrous consequences, the victims are prominent Formspring portal and the Yahoo Voices service. The Yahoo branch hacked is Yahoo Contributor Network a sort  of content farm that paid users to publish their submissions. The Yahoo service allow users to post articles and media such […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 11, 2012
Anonymous #OpPedoChat pros and cons of a noble battle

The hacktivists of Anonymous are always on and always operating despite many experts continue to downplay the importance and effectiveness of its operations. In recent days the name of the collective was involved in a clamorous revelations for his contribution in the dissemination of precious “Syria Files” a collection of correspondences that detect uncomfortable murky […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 10, 2012
Syria Files, Wikileaks, Anonymous and dirty affairs

Big outcry on Wikileaks that last week has published more that 2.4 million emails allegedly obtained from continuous hack against Syrian government and organizations connected to the regime. The correspondence of “Syrian political figures, ministries and associated companies” between August 2006 and March 2012 has been defined embarrassing for the government of Damascus and its […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 05, 2012
Who really takes advantage of the operations of Anonymous?

I desire to tribute another article to the group that catch the  worldwide attention of security community, Anonymous. Few years to consolidate its image become one of the most debated phenomenon on internet, many consider the collective a threat, many other the expression of a dissent to listen. Both interpretations are correct, but let’s think […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 03, 2012
Hacktivism and Deep Web

  In today’s society technology plays a crucial role and is used as a new cultural vehicle, and even aggregation element or carrier to express dissent against the policies of governments and private companies. Groups such as Anonymous are maximum expression of a phenomenon defined “Hacktivism” that refers the usage of computers and computer networks […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 01, 2012
Are your business operations secure?

Article published on The Malta Indipendent by Ron Kelson, Pierluigi Paganini, David Pace, Ben Gittins Today, the chief executive officers (CEOs) of many businesses are becoming aware of the need to ensure their IT systems are secured to protect their organisation, their customers, and their stakeholders. According to Brian Snow, former technical director of the US NSA’s […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 29, 2012
Stratfor refunds clients.Concerns on subcontractors in the security chain

Last Christmas the Stratfor Global Intelligence was hacked by Anonymous who disclosed company website and also the full client list of over 4000 individuals and corporations. The hacker gained access to a subscriber list stored on stratfor.com, and that list contained unencrypted credit card data. Stratfor is an organization that gathers open source intelligence which […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 28, 2012
RSA SecurIDs Cracked In 13 Minutes,rumors and denials

The news has creating great surprise in the security community, a group of computer scientist has declared that has cracked the RSA SecurID encryption model. The news is sensational due the large diffusion of the tokens for the implementation of PKI infrastructures in both private and government sectors. RSA SecurID, is a mechanism developed by […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 27, 2012
#opJapan, Anonymous against Japan and its war to piracy

A couple of days ago a read about a new amendment to copyright laws passed in Japan last week. The amendment recognizes as illegal downloads of pirated material establishing extremely severe penalties for the violators. The law comes into effect in October and it establishes that those people that download pirated material such as DVDs […]