
Pierluigi Paganini November 15, 2012
Skype, serious vulnerability found

The news is circulating with insistence on the net, Skype is suffering from a vulnerability that can expose its users to serious risks, due this reason it has suspended the password reset process. The Russian Blog Pixus.ru has published a post where it is described a workaround to hijack the accounts of the famous application. […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 07, 2012
Anonymous #OpVendetta, 11/5 day of meditation for information security

The world is holding its breath, the cyber threat is announced by the Anonymous group who has decided to celebrate November 5th in its own way, attacking a wide selection of targets. Anonymous celebrates Guy Fawkes Day, the British holiday commemorating a failed 17th-century plot to blow up British Parliament, with an incredible media operation, […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 05, 2012
Attack of Team GhostShell against Russian Government

Last month we have discussed on the attacks conducted by the group of hackers Team GhostShell against universities all over the world.  The group Team GhostShell claimed credit for the hack of  servers of the 100 principal universities from around the world, including Stanford, Princeton Harvard, the University of Michigan and also the Italian University of Rome. […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 01, 2012
Russian Underground is just part of a global criminal network

Trend Micro published a very interesting report on the Russian underground market, the document written by Max Goncharov analyzed the services and the products marketed by cyber criminals. The study is based on data obtained from the analysis of online forums and services attended by Russian hackers such as antichat.ru, xeka.ru, and carding-cc.com. Trend Micro […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 28, 2012
Is it really so simple crack your password?

The numerous attacks and data breaches occurred during the last 12 months demonstrated that despite high attentions in security the principal causes of the incidents are leak of authentication processes, absence of input validation on principal applications and of course the human factor is among the main accused. Last year different data breaches exposed millions […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 25, 2012
#AntiSecIT Analysis of the Anonymous Italian job

Last week I discussed with a friend on the risks related to attacks of the group Anonymous against strategic offices in Italy. In that occasion I didn’t excluded offensives of the group of hacktivists against institutions of my country predicting them in conjunction with the upcoming elections or financial maneuvers. Anonymous group in Italy appears […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 24, 2012
Trend Micro Q3 security report

Trend Micro has released the report “3Q 2012 SECURITY ROUNDUP -Android Under Siege: Popularity Comes at a Price” that presents a worrying trend for malware growth increased of 483%. The increment include cyber espionage malware and also destructive malicious agents targeting mainly the mobile world and in particular Google Android platform. Malware targeting Android platform increased […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 21, 2012
The Deep Dark Web Book Released

After much work during the last months I’m proud and happpy to announce the publishing of The Deep Dark Web book. It is AVAILABLE @Amazon website  http://www.amazon.com/The-Deep-Dark-Web-hidden/dp/1480177598 PAPER BOOK It is AVAILABLE @Amazon website  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009VN40DU KINDLE It is AVAILABLE @SmashWords website  http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/247146 It is AVAILABLE @Barnes & Noble website    http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-deep-dark-web-pierluigi-paganini/1113594408?ean=2940015852837 and we have uploaded it also to Amazon […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 21, 2012
Wrong response to zero day attacks exposes to serious risks

Recent revelations on Flame case raise the question on the efficiency of “zero day vulnerabilities“, software bugs that hackers exploit to avoid security defenses of target systems. The real problem when we talk about zero-day is related to the duration of the period in which hackers exploit the vulnerability before world wide security community respond […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 18, 2012
Anonymous vs Wikileaks…you can condemn a man but not wipe out an ideology

Hacktivism is considered one of the most interesting phenomena of the last year, despite this form of dissent is dated in the last years it has catalyzed the media attention with its exploit. Hacktivism is considered one of the main cyber threats and its operations have created serious problems to private businesses and governments, for […]