
Pierluigi Paganini February 06, 2012
Hacking satellite communications and possible implication

Once more to worry about is the real security of satellite infrastructures. In a technological civilization satellites play a vital role in the management and transmission of information of all kinds, satellites infact do the work in silent thet we enjoy every day, but often forget this crucial aspect. Are these powerful systems of communication […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 05, 2012
Anonymous vs FBI, threat or voice to listen?

No doubts about the ability of the Anonymous group since the beginning years have intensified their activities demonstrating great technical skills. As always, the movement gives voice to social dissent and protest against amendments and decisions of governments guilty of not listening to the masses. Among the prominent victims group hacktivist there ‘s the FBI, […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 03, 2012
VeriSign Hacked. Why?

No peace in the cyber space, day after day we read that the computer systems for major corporations and governments are compromised due repeated cyber attacks. This time it was the prestigious Verisign, a name that is our mind we link to the concept of “strong security”, but we are learning that the total security […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 02, 2012
Terrorism acts vs cyber threats, new offense scenarios

We are at an historical turning point today in U.S., and the situation is similar all over the world, threat of terrorist acts have been surpassed by cyber threats, this is the opinion of FBI Director Robert Mueller. Cyber crime, cyber-espionage, massive attacks, hacktivism, usage of cyber weapons against critical infrastructure are all phenomena that are increasing in frequency […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 29, 2012
Chinese Attacks on Defense Contractors, 2 clues are evidence

It’s not first time and the news itself doesn’t rapresent a surprise, once again Chinese hacker groups are involved in cyber intelligence operations against western companies with the intent to steal critical information. Symantec Researchers have proved the involvement of Chinese groups in attacks alerting the international community regarding the target attacked, including major U.S. defense […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 26, 2012
Symantec too many doubts, disable pcAnywhere software

Remember the sensational theft of the source code of the Symantec products occurred in the last weeks? On that occasion the company, with impeccable timing, immediately took the distance from the event claiming that its customers could remain calm because the souce code stolen were older and in any case the data breanch was not […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 24, 2012
Zeus,software as a service – Implications for civil and military

As previously said the cyber crime industry is proving to be invoiced in a thriving company that knows no crisis. The reasons are countless, high profits and unpunished crimes most often the main reasons. What amazes is, however, the organization managing the criminal business. Operations managed as projects and malware designed as products of large […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 21, 2012
Anonymous “United as one, divided by zero” a click for freedom

In these days we have witnessed the escalation of operations conducted by the Anonymous group, the hacker group that is espressing a social dissent througth cyber attacks. The Internet world is profoundly changing, and the threat of hacktivist groups represents one of the major cyber threats. We must consider that the attacks of these groups […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 18, 2012
Symantec, the inconvenient truth on the data breach

Do you remember the case of Symantec and the theft of the source code of some of its products by an Indian group of hackers called the lord of Dharmaraja? On that occasion it was declared by Symantec officials that the source code of its products had been stolen in a successful attack to the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 16, 2012
T-Mobile Hacked. Hacktivism strikes again

The year 2012 has started in the worst way in terms of cyber security, because we have observed several attacks settled successfully against military organizations and private companies. After the sensational case of the Zappos data breach and of the cyber escalation which Israel is a victim, also the company T-Mobile has suffered an attack. […]