
Pierluigi Paganini May 06, 2017
Macron campaign suffered a huge hacking attack 48 hours before French vote

The campaign of the Presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron has been targeted once again by hackers that leaked a 9GB dump of stolen data from its staff. Information warfare and politics are even more strictly correlated. It has happened again, after the DNC hack, hackers have targeted also French presidential elections. The target of the hackers […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 05, 2017
WikiLeaks leaked documents that detail the Archimedes tool used by the CIA in MitM attacks

WikiLeaks has released a news batch of documents detailing the Archimedes tool, a MitM attack tool allegedly used by the CIA to target LAN networks. WikiLeaks has released a new batch of documents detailing a man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack tool dubbed Archimedes allegedly used by the CIA to target local networks. The leaked documents, dated between […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 05, 2017
Threat actors leverage the KONNI Malware to target organizations linked to North Korea

Cisco Talos team discovered a RAT dubbed KONNI malware that target organizations linked to North Korea. Here you are an analysis of its evolution. Security researchers at Cisco Talos team have discovered a remote access Trojan (RAT) that target organizations linked to North Korea. The malware, dubbed by researchers “KONNI,” was undetected for more than 3 years and […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 04, 2017
NSA Cyber Weapons installed in High Profile Targets in Greece

The installation of monitoring software has been conducted either by NSA highly sophisticated hacking team or by hackers who leveraged the tools leaked by the Shadow Brokers. Last week, a collection of spy tools allegedly used by the National Security Agency for operations against global targets of interest was leaked online by the underground hacking group, […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 02, 2017
NSA announces it will stop surveillance activities on emails, texts and other internet communications

NSA announces a change in its surveillance activities, it will no longer spy on citizens’ emails, texts, and other Internet communications. It is official, the US NSA announced it will no longer spy on emails, texts and other internet communications that mention targets of surveillance.The NSA issued the official statement last week, announcing a historical change of tactic […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 29, 2017
Wikileaks revealed the Scribbles tool used by the CIA to mark documents and track whistleblowers

Wikileaks has published a new piece of the Vault 7 leak that details a CIA project codenamed Scribbles (a.k.a. the “Snowden Stopper”). Scribbles is a software allegedly developed to embed ‘web beacon’ tags into confidential documents aiming to track whistleblowers and foreign spies. Wikileaks has leaked the Scribbles documentation and its source code, the latest released version […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 28, 2017
The massive attack against Israel was alleged launched by the Iranian OilRig APT group

According to the experts at the security firm Morphisec that massive attack against Israeli targets was powered by the OilRig APT group. Yesterday the Israeli Cyber Defense Authority announced it has thwarted a major cyberattack against 120 targets just days after harsh criticism of new cyber defense bill. In a first time, the authorities blamed a foreign […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 27, 2017
Cracking APT28 traffic in a few seconds

Security experts from security firm Redsocks published an interesting report on how to crack APT28 traffic in a few seconds. Introduction APT28 is a hacking group involved in many recent cyber incidents. The most recent attack allegedly attributed to this group is the one to French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron’s campaign. Incident response to this Advanced […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 25, 2017
Russian APT28 group also targeted French Presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron

The campaign of the French Presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron has been targeted by the notorious cyber espionage APT28 group. Yesterday the Danish Government officially accused the dreaded APT28 group (aka Fancy Bear, Pawn Storm, Sednit, Sofacy, and Strontium) of cyber attacks against Defense Ministry’s email accounts, now DNC hackers are suspected to have targeted also the French presidential […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 22, 2017
Hackers compromised thousands of Windows boxes using leaked NSA hack tools DOUBLEPULSAR and ETERNALBLUE

Security researcher warn of hackers compromised thousands of Windows boxes using leaked NSA hack tools DOUBLEPULSAR and ETERNALBLUE Security expert Dan Tentler, the founder of security shop Phobos Group, has observed a significant increase in the number of Windows boxes exposed on the Internet that has been hacked with DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor. The compromised windows boxes have been used […]