
Pierluigi Paganini September 27, 2013
Icefog – Kaspersky discovered the group of cyber mercenaries

Kaspersky Lab discovered the emerging group of cyber-mercenaries Icefog available for hire to perform surgical hit and run operations against strategic targets. Researchers at Kaspersky Lab sustain to have identifies a group of cyber mercenaries called Icefog that is responsible for a huge cyber espionage campaign, occurred in 2011, against Japanese parliament and dozens of government agencies and […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 26, 2013
Thousands of hacked WordPress sites used in global scale attacks

Thousands of WordPress based websites have been hacked to compose a global scale botnet that is performing powerful DDOS attacks. I start the post with recommendations, if you are a blogger using WordPress don’t waste time and update it and all installed plugins to the latest versions! Have you done it? OK, now I can explain you what it is […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 26, 2013
Beware Apple iMessage app for Android, it is a dangerous fake

A fake Apple iMessage app for Android OS has been published on official Google Play app store for around one month and totaling at least 10000 downloads. A fake Apple iMessage app for Android platform is concerning mobile developers and security experts. The app was initially published on the Google Play store but it isn’t the Android version […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 25, 2013
Chinese hackers increasingly attracted to the drone technology

Intelligence agencies reveal that Chinese hackers increasingly attracted to the drone technology while Chinese drone industry grows like never before! The fact that Chinese hackers are most persistent collectors for sensitive information is not a mystery, more difficult to demonstrate the direct involvement of the PLA behind the operations of computer experts that systematically seek to unravel […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 24, 2013
FireEye revealed APT Operation DeputyDog against Japanes entities

Security experts at FireEye discovered the Operation DeputyDog against Japanese entities that exploits Zero-Day (CVE-2013-3893) recently announced by Microsoft. FireEye announced the discovery of the cyberespionage Operation DeputyDog leveraging the recently announced zero-day CVE-2013-3893. FireEye and Kaspersky are the companies most active in the analysis of large espionage campaign that governments and hackers are conducting against strategic targets.  According the analysis based on FireEye […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 23, 2013
Chaos Computer Club claims to have defeated Apple TouchID

Chaos Computer Club claims to have bypassed the biometric security technology Apple TouchID by making a copy of a fingerprint photographed on a glass surface. Hackers members of the Chaos Computer Club claim to have defeated Apple TouchID fingerprint sensor for the iPhone 5S, just after the start of its sale to the public. The Chaos Computer Club in […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 22, 2013
A second iOS 7 Lockscreen vulnerability concerns Apple users

A second iOS 7 Lockscreen vulnerability has been found a few days the first one was fixed by Apple. This time attackers can makes call from a locked iPhone. A new iOS 7 Lockscreen vulnerability has been discovered, the flow allows attackers with physical access to the phone to make calls, including international calls and calls to […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 22, 2013
No good news from ENISA Threat Landscape Mid year 2013

ENISA Threat Landscape Mid year 2013 presents top cyber threats, anticipating its interim Threat Landscape 2013 report. The study reveals concerning trends. ENISA published a new report titled ENISA Threat Landscape Mid year 2013 that provides an interesting update for the list of top cyber threats. The scope of the ENISA Threat Landscape Mid year 2013 is to […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 21, 2013
Africa – Cybercrime has turned the web as a hub of evil

Africa is becoming even more an “online continent” despite its economical difficulties, in the same time there is a growing incidence of cybercrime. A report released recently about the escalating cases of cybercrime by the Symantec security company revealed that whereas the most prevalent type of attacks are mobile phone users are now becoming more vulnerable to attacks by cybercriminals followed by computer […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 20, 2013
iOS 7 Lockscreen bug exposes Apple devices to security risks

iOS 7 vulnerability lets ill-intentioned with physical access to bypass iPhone’s Lockscreen to access mobile. Jose Rodriguez has found a lock screen vulnerability in iOS 7, last version of popular Apple mobile OS system. Mr Rodriguez is a 36 year old soldier living in Spain’s Canary Islands, has found a security vulnerability in iOS 7 that allows […]