
Pierluigi Paganini October 12, 2013
NSA FOXACID servers used to drive the hack into target systems

NSA leaked documents reveals the existence of FOXACID servers that provides an automated hacking platform used to drive operators into hacking targets. Security expert Bruce Schneier revealed in a recent post that the NSA has a wide-ranging arsenal of zero-day exploits to use for cyber operations, mainly used for cyber espionage campaigns. The effort spent by government for the […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 11, 2013
Serious WhatsApp flaw allows decrypting user messages

A serious vulnerability in WhatsApp allows anyone who is able to eavesdrop on WhatsApp connection to decrypt users’ messages. A new security issue concerns users of the popular Whatsapp, the mobile application for instant messaging platform. The popularity of WhatsApp makes it attractive for security researchers and hackers, the platform in fact has become one of […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 11, 2013
Ponemon Institute issued the 2013 Cost of Cyber Crime Study

HP sponsored a study of Ponemon Institute that reveals Cost of Cybercrime in 2013 escalates 78 Percent while Time to Resolve Attacks More Than Doubles. HP and the Ponemon Institute have published The 2013 Cost of Cyber Crime Study, the fourth annual report that provides an estimation of the economic impact of cybercrime. “Information is a powerful […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 10, 2013
Skorpion charger secure mobile while charging

Kaprica Security has presented the Skorpion charger, a smart device that is able to scan the handset for malware while it charges. The mobile security startup Kaprica Security has designed a charger, dubbed Skorpion, that is able to scan user’s Smartphone for malware and sanitize it if necessary. In the past we read about the Mactans charger, a […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 10, 2013
Blackhole author arrested. The impact on the underground market

The author of the Blackhole exploits kit has been arrested after a long investigation. What will change in the offer of the criminal underground? The author of the popular Blackhole exploit kit, also know as Paunch, has been arrested. The cybercrime underground has lost one of its principal actors considering that the malicious kit is one of […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 09, 2013
2013 Norton Report, the impact of cybercrime according Symantec

Symantec issued 2013 Norton Report, the annual research study which examines the consumers’ online behaviors, the dangers and financial cost of cybercrime. Symantec has released the 2013 Norton Report, the annual study of evolution of principal cyber threats in the security landscape. The study presented concerning results on the constant growth of cyber criminal activities. The 2013 […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 08, 2013
How to create undetectable malware with Mac encryption mechanism

Researcher Daniel Pistelli demonstrated how to exploit Mac internally encryption mechanism to create an undetectable Mac OS X Malware. During the last couple of years the number of cyber threats that targeted Mac is increased significantly, the main reasons are the wide diffusion of Apple devices and lack of awareness of Apple users. In particular the number […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 07, 2013
New iOS 7 flaw allows attacker to hijack Apple ID through spoofing fingerprints

German firm SRL has found another serious security issue in iOS 7 that allows an attacker to access the iPhone and potentially gain control over owner Apple ID New security issues for iOS 7, a new vulnerability in TouchID Fingerprint Scanner and iCloud has been found by a German security firm SRL. The flaw allows an attacker with a physical access to the locked […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 07, 2013
Internet of Things, new opportunities for hackers and cybercriminals

Internet of Things, a business growing at a compound annual rate of 7,9% that is a privileged target for hackers and cyber criminals. The Internet of Things refers all objects in daily life equipped with identifiers that allow their automatic inventory. Tagging of the Internet of Things could be achieved with various technologies such as the RFID, […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 06, 2013
How NSA tries to compromise Tor anonymity. Tor Stinks document

Top-secret presentation Tor Stinks leaked by Snowden shows the techniques implemented by the NSA to overwhelm Tor Anonymity with manual analysis. Tor anonymity has been debated many times, according to majority security experts it was one of the most secure ways to stay online being far from prying eyes avoiding government surveillance. Recently a series of events have completely changed […]