Experts at Aorato have discovered a flaw in MS Active Directory that could allow an attacker to conduct a pass-the-hash attack to change a victim’s password. The Israel-based security firm Aorato has recently discovered a flaw in Microsoft’s Active Directory (AD) that could allow an attacker (via “pass-the-hash” attack) to change a victim’s password and access a […]
Researchers at SEC Consult have discovered a CSRF vulnerability in the OpenVPN Desktop Client that can allow remote code execution. Security researchers at SEC Consult have discovered a CSRF flaw in the OpenVPN Desktop client and promptly reported it to the company in May. OpenVPN Desktop Client for its Access Server is an SSL VPN for a variety […]
Project Zero is the new initiative announced by Google. The company is hiring the top security experts to make the Internet a more secure place. Google has publicly announced a new program called “Project Zero,” an ambitious project which involves a team of Star Hackers and Bug Hunters with the purpose to improve security of the […]
Edward Snowden leaked a top-secret GCHQ document which details the operations and the techniques used by JTRIG unit for propaganda and internet deception. The JTRIG unit of the British GCHQ intelligence agency has designed a collection of applications that were used to manipulate for internet deception and surveillance, including the modification of the results of the […]
US Secret Service and the NCCIC have alerted hoteliers about a potential presence of keyloggers in the machines provided to guests in hotel business centers. US Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security’s National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) have issued a non-public security advisory in the hospitality industry to warn on the activities of cyber […]
Security researchers at AIRBUS have uncovered a new APT, named Pitty Tiger, involved in a cyber espionage campaign which targeted mainly private companies. Security experts at AIRBUS Defence & Space – CyberSecurity unit have recently disclosed the results of their investigation on a new APT dubbed Pitty Tiger involved in a cyber espionage campaign which targeted mainly private companies. Also in […]
Experts from Cyphort Labs have discovered an extensive data theft campaign named Nighthunter that has been active since 2009 stealing victim’s credentials. Security experts at Cyphort firm have recently uncovered a five-year-old attack campaign dubbed NightHunter arranged to steal user credentials for Dropbox, Facebook, and other web services. The malicious campaign is cross sector, every industry […]
Analysis of the compliance measures to be put in place in order to face data protection issues affecting the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things is expected to lead to 50 billion connected devices by 2020 collecting and exchanging personal data about their users, their lives, their preferences and tastes. This will lead not […]
Facebook in a joint operation with the Greek Cyber Crime Division dismantled the Lecpetex botnet, which infected 250,000 Computers in different countries. Facebook has announced to have successfully conducted the takeover of the Lecpetex botnet in Greece. The bad actors operating in Greece were using the popular social media platform for illicit activities, including data stealing, malware distribution […]
Google Security experts have detected and blocked unauthorized digital certificates for a number of its domains issued by the NIC of India. Google announced to have blocked unauthorized digital certificates for different of its domains issued by the National Informatics Centre of India, which holds several intermediate CA certificates trusted by the Indian Controller of Certifying Authorities (India CCA). […]