
Pierluigi Paganini December 24, 2014
Virlock, the first self-reproducing polymorphic Ransomware

Sophos and ESET detected the first self-reproducing polymorphic Ransomware dubbed Virlock that encrypts files and creates unique instances of itself. Security researchers from Sophos and ESET security firms have discovered a new interesting trend in the evolution of ransomware. The new strain of ransomware, dubbed VirRansom or VirLock, discovered by the experts is able to encrypt […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 23, 2014
VBA malware on the rise, a threat wrongly underestimated

Security experts at Sophos have detected a surge in cyber attacks based on VBA malware, such threats are still very insidious but often underestimated. Experts at SophosLabs observed a surge in VBA malware, according their analysis macro-based malware accounted for 28 percent of all malware attack detected in July, up from just six percent in June, despite […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 20, 2013
Original fishing scheme against Poste Italiane

Security Experts at Sophos have detected a new phishing campaign against the Italian brand Poste Italiane that makes use of an efficient social engineering technique. Sophos experts detected this week an intriguing case of phishing against the Italian postal service Poste Italiane, the scheme attracted the researcher’s attention due the reuse of an old social […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 06, 2012
Sophos Security Threat Report 2013, today … tomorrow

Sophos was one of the first security firms that has published a report, Sophos Security Threat Report 2013, on current status of security landscape making predictions for incoming year. The document propose an interesting overview on most common and dangerous cyber threats attempting to determine the level of penetration by different countries. The factors that […]