Cyberspace under a shadow of Cyber Poisons and Antidotes
Period 2015 has become a continuous process of turbulent scenarios in cyberspace because new potential threats, by dealing new opportunities for cybercrime.
Period 2015 has become a continuous process of turbulent scenarios in cyberspace because new potential threats, by dealing new opportunities for cybercrime with massive Cyber Poisons. Nevertheless, Antidotes are also part of a global challenge on cyberspace to combat terrorism and cyber-attacks through a preventive and resilient way in reaction of potential cyber risks.
Following publication of Symantec Internet Security Threat Report 2015, we may consider new global trends on cybercrime, by recognizing how “Attackers are moving faster.”
At least, 5 of 6 large companies attacked in 2014, 317M pieces of malware created for criminal purposes, 1M new threat had been detected daily during 2014, and 60% of attacks targeted SMEs. Moreover, it was a potential increase of “Digital extortion” with ransomware attacks soared 113% in 2014. In addition, malware activity got 28% on Virtual Machine Aware. Nevertheless, Zero-Day Threats were matching Top 5 of unpatched during 295 days in 2014.
What about sectors, the potential targets for cyber-crime are oriented to affect Healthcare, Retail, Education, Government and Financial. Cyber Poisons are represented as a critical cycle of Lack of Visibility, Attack Complexity, Defender Imbalance, Speed of Attacks and Lack of Resources.

- Lack of Visibility: Many organizations are facing problems to detect on time cyber threats. The continuous development of malware activity is creating serious problems for users, developers and administrators.
- Attack Complexity: In particular, energy sector has been facing simultaneous well-known phenomenon named “Dragonfly cyber-espionage”. Industrial control systems were affected in 2014 because the presence of well-crafted malware and sophisticated software engineering.
- Defender Imbalance: At present, attackers have more opportunities than defenders. Business impact doesn’t matter for attackers. They can buy and test security products independent of security policies and security standards in formal organizations. Status quo is the best referent for defenders versus attackers.
- Speed of Attacks: Attackers are prepared for new scenarios and cybercrime strategies. New vectors are taking part of day-to-day criminal innovation on cyberspace. Delays from defenders are helping to attackers to anticipate before they are discovered.
- Lack of Skilled Resources: Globalization is affronting a serious scenario and potential weakness to cover deficits of cyber security professionals in 2015 and beyond.
- The new Antidote to combat cyber risks is “Big Data Security Analytics”. If organizations need to improve visibility and protection of IT services, the alternative is Big Data and security analytics platforms.
In fact, Big Data Security Analytics provides a maximum protection to guarantee:
“Predictive Analysis & Adversary Intelligence”
“Earlier Event Detection & Prioritization”
“Faster Incident Response &Better Risk Management”
Reported by Brighttalk
Pierluigi Paganini
(Security Affairs – Cyberspace , cyber security)