Breaking News

Pierluigi Paganini December 17, 2017
Zealot Campaign leverages NSA exploits to deliver Monero miners of both Windows and Linux servers

Security researchers spotted a sophisticated malware campaign, tracked as Zealot campaign targeting Linux and Windows servers to install Monero miners. Security researchers from F5 Networks spotted a sophisticated malware campaign, tracked as Zealot campaign (after the name, one of the files dropped on targeted servers), targeting Linux and Windows servers to install Monero cryptocurrency miners. The campaign was detected […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 17, 2017
Security Affairs newsletter Round 141 – News of the week

A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! The best news of the week with Security Affairs. Once again thank you! ·      National Institute of Standards and Technology releases a second Draft of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework ·      Security Affairs newsletter Round 140 – News of the week ·      Severe flaws in most popular […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 17, 2017
New PRILEX ATM Malware used in targeted attacks against a Brazilian bank

PRILEX is a new ATM malware analyzed by researchers at Trend Micro that was used in high-targeted attacks against a Brazilian bank. Security researchers from Trend Micro recently discovered a strain of ATM malware dubbed PRILEX that was involved in targeted attacks in Brazil. PRILEX is written in Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6), it was specifically designed to […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 17, 2017
The Russian pipeline giant Transneft infected with a Monero cryptocurrency miner

The Russian pipeline giant Transneft admitted its computers were used for mining Monero cryptocurrency, the company removed the malware from its computers. The Russian pipeline giant Transneft announced its systems were infected with a Monero cryptocurrency miner. The company confirmed it has successfully removed the threat from its systems, the company spokesman Igor Demin told Reuters the cryptomining […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 16, 2017
Pre-Installed Keeper Password Manager on Windows 10 exposes systems to passwords stealing

White hat hacker discovered some Windows 10 versions come with a pre-installed version of Keeper Password Manager that exposes systems to passwords stealing. I was reading Tweets when I noticed the following post: I don't want to hear about how even a password manager with a trivial remote root that shares all your passwords with […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 16, 2017
19 Million California Voter records held for ransom attack on a MongoDB instance

Voter registration data for more than 19 million California residents stored in an unsecured MongoDB instance has been deleted and held for ransom. Voter registration data for more than 19 million California residents that was stored in an unsecured MongoDB database has been deleted and held for ransom by attackers. The incident was discovered by researchers at […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 16, 2017
Triton malware was developed by Iran and used to target Saudi Arabia

CyberX who analyzed samples of the Triton malware believes it was likely developed by Iran and used to target an organization in Saudi Arabia. Security experts from security firms FireEye and Dragos reported this week the discovery of a new strain of malware dubbed Triton (aka Trisis) specifically designed to target industrial control systems (ICS). Both FireEye and Dragos […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 15, 2017
Lazarus APT Group targets a London cryptocurrency company

Security experts from Secureworks revealed the Lazarus APT group launched a spearphishing campaign against a London cryptocurrency company. The dreaded Lazarus APT group is back and launched a spearphishing campaign against a London cryptocurrency company to steal employee credentials. The activity of the Lazarus Group surged in 2014 and 2015, its members used mostly custom-tailored malware in their attacks […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 15, 2017
Germany – Court rules against foreign intelligence agency (BND) surveillance

According to a German court, the BND must not store the metadata of international phone calls for the purpose of intelligence analysis. Just a week ago, we discussed the German Government is preparing a law that will force hardware vendors to include a backdoor in their products and to allow its unit to hack back, now German […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 15, 2017
The cybersecurity firm Fox-IT disclosed a security breach that affected its infrastructure

For Fox-IT disclosed a security breach that affected its infrastructure and demonstrated how to manage it in an outstanding way. The cybersecurity firm Fox-IT, one of the top security companies currently owned by the UK giant NCC Group, disclosed a security breach that affected its infrastructure. According to the firm, on September 19 an unknown attacker carried […]