Breaking News

Pierluigi Paganini January 23, 2016
The Fortinet SSH backdoor found in many other products

A review of all the products allowed Fortinet to discover the same SSH backdoor on some versions of its solutions. Recently security experts reported the presence of a SSH backdoor in Fortinet firewalls, news of the day is that the company has found the same backdoor also in several new products, many of them running current […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 22, 2016
TorMail hack, FBI surgical operation, or dragnet surveillance?

In 2013 the FBI agents seized TorMail, now new information are emerging on the operations. Someone believes it was a surgical ops others accuse Feds of dragnet surveillance. In 2013 the FBI agents seized TorMail, at the time the most popular dark web email services. The US law enforcement agency seized the TorMail database during in concomitants of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 22, 2016
Be careful Facebook users, you are under attack!

Facebook users are receiving malicious email delivering malware masquerading as audio message, a similar campaign also targeted WhatsApp users. Social media and instant messaging application are a privileged vector for cyber threats, in many cases bad actors exploited them to spread malicious links and infect a large number of users. Now a new campaign is targeting […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 22, 2016
RSA Conference registration page asks Twitter credentials, that’s incredible!

It is hard to believe but the RSA Conference registration page is collecting Twitter credentials sending them back to an RSA server, in-security by design! Security experts from Twitter recently made a singular discovery, the final step of the registration page on the RSA Conference website was requesting user’s Twitter credentials and sending them to the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 22, 2016
Potentially backdoored AMX equipment being used by US President Obama and US Military

Experts from the security firm SEC Consult discovered a backdoor in the AMX equipment being used by US President Obama and the US Military. AMX is a company that supplies communications systems and building control equipment to the US military, the White House and many other security organizations in the States. The particularity of these systems is the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 21, 2016
A new Drydex campaign targeted British businesses

Security experts at IBM X-Force team discovered a new hacking campaign based on the infamous Dridex trojan. Security experts at IBM X-Force team discovered a new wave of attacks based on the Dridex malware targeting British businesses. The malware has targeted rich UK bank accounts in a new campaign that is operated by threat actors well-resourced, a criminal […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 21, 2016
A Reflected File Download flaw affects Google Finance

The Portuguese cyber security expert David Sopas has discovered a Reflected File Download (RFD) vulnerability affecting Google Finance. The researchers explained that different from other similar Reflected File Download he discovered in the past, this time, the attackers don’t need to create a page to force the download. “Found this vulnerability when auditing other client. With this RFD you don’t […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 21, 2016
Rapid7’s HD Moore will leave after Six Wonderful Years

HD Moore, the father of the popular Metasploit Framework, announced that he is leaving the Rapid7 security company to join a new venture capital firm. HD Moore, it is one of the most popular cyber security experts and hacker, he is the father of the popular penetration testing suite Metasploit Framework and the founder of the Metasploit Project. […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 21, 2016
The critical iOS bug allowed hackers to impersonate users

Apple has fixed a critical vulnerability in its iOS operating system that allowed hackers to impersonate end users. Apple has fixed a serious vulnerability in the iOS operating system that could be exploited by hackers to impersonate users who visit  websites that use unencrypted authentication cookies. The issue resides in the implementation of a cookie […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 21, 2016
Asacub Android Malware, the multiform threat

Asacub is a new Android threat that has been used by bad actors to infect thousands of users in Russia in a recent SMS spam campaign. According to the experts from Kaspersky Lab, the Trojan-Banker.AndroidOS.Asacub was first detected as a new spyware Trojan. The experts noticed that one of the C&C servers used by the Asacub Android malware (chugumshimusona[.]com) was also […]