Breaking News

Pierluigi Paganini May 21, 2015
CareFirst data breach affects about 1.1M people

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield fall victim of a major data breach, personal information belonging more than one million individuals could have been exposed. Health insurer CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield is notifying more than one million individuals that it was the victim of a data breach which may have exposed personal information used by attackers to gain limited, […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 21, 2015
A large number of websites and web services affected by the LogJam TLS flaw

Researchers have discovered a new  TLS vulnerability dubbed LogJam that open a large number of online services to cyber attacks. Logjam is the name assigned to a new vulnerability that affects the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol putting a large number of online services at risk. Logjam vulnerability can be triggered through man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks to […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2015
Millions of Routers open to attack due to a NetUSB flaw

A simple vulnerability has been uncovered in the NetUSB component, millions of modern routers and other IoT devices are exposed to the risk of cyber attacks The security expert Stefan Viehbock from SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab has reported a critical vulnerability (CVE-2015-3036) that potentially affects millions of routers and Internet of Things devices using the KCodes […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2015
Airbus – Be aware a software bug in A400M can crash the plane

The crash of the Airbus A400M military transport in Spain was caused by a software bug, three engines were shut down immediately after the start due to the flaw. Recently we have discussed a lot about the possibility to hack a plane, almost everyone has read about the computer security researcher Chris Roberts which reported the […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2015
DDoS Attacks on the rise in Q1 2015, says Akamai

DDoS attacks even more dangerous according to the last report published by Akamai Technologies, the “Q1 2015 State of the Internet – Security Report”. According to Akamai Technologies, Q1 2015 showed that distributed denial-of-service attacks are on the rise again, and according to Akamai Technologies, Q1 set a record for the number of DDoS attacks, […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2015
Retailers take 197 Days on Average to Identify Security Breaches

A new report published by Arbor Networks and the Ponemon Institute explains how Financial Service and Retail Organizations tackle advanced threats. Regardless of the recent string of high-profile cyberattacks plaguing companies worldwide, the retail industry is still behind on cybersecurity standards, according to new reports published by Arbor Networks and the Ponemon Institute. Researchers disclosed it takes […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2015
Unknown Hackers hit systems at Bundestag

The Bundestag has become the target of a significant cyber attack, hackers tried to compromise the internal network of the German Parliament. The German parliament Bundestag has officially confirmed media reports about a hacking attack that hit the Institution last week. “There has been an attack on the IT systems of the Bundestag,” spokesman Ernst […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 19, 2015
A severe URL Spoofing flaw affects the Apple Safari Browser

A URL Spoofing flaw affects the Apple Safari browser. It could trick users into visiting malicious websites despite they are accessing to legitimate URLs. A serious security vulnerability affects the Apple Safari browser, the flaw could be exploited by attackers to trick Safari users into visiting malicious websites while are trying to surf on legitimate websites. […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 19, 2015
How hackers use Robots txt to harvest information

The penetration tester Thiebauld Weksteen has published an interesting analysis to explaine the importance of robots.txt for the hacking activities. Thiebauld Weksteen, a penetration tester from Melbourne is advising system administrators that robots.txt can give precious details to hackers, when it comes to attacks, because robots.txt as the capability to tell search engines which directories […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 19, 2015
Rombertik destroys the MBR to prevent unauthorized use of the malware

According to the experts at Symantec, the Rombertik malware attempts to destroy the MBR to prevent unauthorized use of the Trojan. Early this month, the experts at Cisco have published a report on the Rombertik, a high sophisticated strain of malware that wipes hard drive to prevent analysis. According to Symantec, Rombertik is a new […]