Breaking News

Pierluigi Paganini June 05, 2015
CryptoWall 3.0 Still Actively Being Spread as a New Campaign is Discovered in-the-wild

A new malicious phishing campaign is spreading CryptoWall ransomware in the wild, the expert Michael Fratello has analyzed it for us. Just a reminder to all — CryptoWall 3.0 is still very much active, with phish tactics that I think are less effective, but who knows; maybe they’re seeing great success with this method.  Personally, […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 05, 2015
Harvesting clients’ information from the utility company

A security expert explained how it is possible to hack the service provided by a utility company raising serious security and privacy issues. In the most recent post of the owner of the blog talks about a flaw that he discovered after trying to pay his utility bill. To pay his utility bill he decided […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 05, 2015
Chinese hackers had access to millions records of US workers

US Government announced that a major data breach likely backed by Chinese hackers caused the exposure of data belonging to millions of government workers. Once again a data breach interested systems of the US government, the Obama administration on Thursday confirmed to have been the victim of a major cyber attack. According to the US […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 04, 2015
Are Russian hackers behind the Bundestag cyber attack?

Security experts involved in investigation on the attack against the Bundestag suspect that the hack was part of a large-scale espionage campaign backed by the Kremlin. Last month, the German Bundestag suffered a serious cyber attack by unknown hackers, in the days following the incident the German parliament officially confirmed media reports about a hacking […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 04, 2015
A new Facebook scam in the wild aims to steal sensitive data

A new Facebook scam in the wild that aim to steal sensitive data proposing a “Facebook Recovery” Accounts that share malicious links. It’s not new that Facebook it’s the perfect place to try to get precious information and financial gain since it aggregates many people, crossing all generations. The popular social network is very attractive […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 04, 2015
Thamar Reservoir – Iranian hackers target entities in Middle East

Security experts at ClearSky have published a report on the a cyber espionage campaign dubbed Thamar Reservoir that is targeting entities in the Middle East. Security experts at ClearSky have uncovered a cyber espionage campaign dubbed Thamar Reservoir due to the name of its target Thamar E. Gindin. The investigation led the experts to date the Thamar Reservoir […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 04, 2015
The FBI is not able to monitor ISIS’s encrypted communications

The FBI warned lawmakers there was no way to monitor encrypted online communications among sympathizers of the ISIS, it urges a law to give them more powers. The FBI warned lawmakers there was no way to monitor encrypted online communications exploited by Islamic State militants and sympathizers. The law enforcement urges IT giants to provide […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 03, 2015
US Schools use social media monitoring platform to protect students

Several US schools are using social media monitoring platform to watch students and their online activities in order to prevent risky situations. A number of US schools are using social media monitoring software to watch students and their online activities. According to the news website Click Orlando, the institutes have bought access to sophisticated social media monitoring […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 03, 2015
Sending a message brings Skype into an endless crash loop

The eight-character string “http://:” brings Skype into Endless Crash Loop, and once they’re in the user’s chat history, the app can’t start again. A few days ago we discussed about a problem occurred to iPhone and iPad users, their mobile devices were crashing after the reception of a specifically crafted text message, now a similar problem […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 03, 2015
Compromised SSH keys used to access popular GitHub repositories

Security experts Ben Cox explained that the official Github repositories of the UK Government, Spotify, and Python were accessed using compromised SSH keys. Ben Cox, engineer at CloudFlare revealed that the official Github repositories of the UK Government, Spotify, and Python were accessed by using legitimate SSH keys. It seems that the keys were compromised […]