A group of French researchers discovered how Fraudsters Stole nearly $680,000 Via MitM Attack on EMV Cards. On October 1st, EMV (Europay, MasterCard, Visa) cards have been introduced in the US to improve the security of payment card holders. EMV cards, also known as chip-and-PIN cards, rely on a cryptographic chip to improve security of banking transaction and avoid […]
Security researchers have documented the existence of a new strain of malware dubbed eFast browser that deletes and replaces the entire Chrome Browser. Security experts from Malwarebytes have analyzed a new strain of  malware that attempts to delete Chrome and replace it with a bogus version that allows attackers to hijack several file associations including HTML, […]
A new collection of documents disclosed by a new whistleblower and leaked online by The Intercept revealed new inconvenient truth on drone wars. Many USA government documents were leaked in the past years, Chelsea Manning, WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden showed the world that activists were behind. They are responsible for the disclosure of inconvenient truth. Governments […]
Security experts have discovered that thousands of websites running the eBayâs Magento e-commerce platform have been compromised and used to deliver malware. Security experts at Sucuri have discovered a malware campaign that targeted a large number of websites the eBay Magento e-commerce platform. The same campaign was also monitored by the researchers at Malwarebytes which focused their analysis […]
A young hacker violated the CIA Director’s personal email account and leaked sensitive files including a top-secret application for a security clearance. A high-school student claims to have hacked the personal email account of the CIA Director John Brennan. CIA and the US law enforcement agencies are investigating on the case. The teen told the New York […]
Good news, starting today, Facebook will notify you if they believe state-sponsored hackers are trying to compromise your account. Facebook announced a new initiative to protect its users from prying eyes, the popular social network will inform them on any suspected compromise from state-sponsored hackers. “Starting today, we will notify you if we believe your account […]
The Pen Test Partners researcher Ken Munro mapped and hacked connected iKettles across London demonstrating they leak WiFi passwords. The Pen Test Partners researcher Ken Munro has conducted a very singular experiment, he mapped and hacked connected kettles across London, demonstrating they leak WiFi passwords. Once again Internet of Things, this experiment demonstrates that poorly configured […]
A security analyst has demonstrated that WiFi Jamming, such as the Jamming of Bluetooth and Zigbee systems, is very easy and cheaper than ever. A security analyst has shown that Jamming Bluetooth, WiFi and Zigbee systems is not hard to perform but rather, above all, likewise not as expensive as one may think. As per […]
The German researcher Starbug, has demonstrated that it is possible to extract everyoneâs smartphone PIN code from any selfie âimage,â is biometrics secure? The German researcher Jan Krissler, aka Starbug, has demonstrated that it is possible to extract everyoneâs smartphone PIN code from any selfie âimageâ … and much more! Jan Krissler is a popular hacker, he […]
The DARPA research agency is launching a new Program subbed ICARUS for the development of a new generation of Disappearing drones. I always follow DARPA because its innovative project, the last one that caught my attention is a new project on a new generation of unmanned aerial vehicles. The program is codenamed ICARUS (Inbound, Controlled, […]