Breaking News

Pierluigi Paganini March 22, 2015
Just a unicode string of 13 characters to crash Mac Chrome tab

A developed has discovered that just visiting a page including an unicode string of 13 characters it is possible to crash Mac Chrome tab. While at last pwn2own hacking competition security experts have demonstrated that is quite easy to hack major browsers, another bad news is circulating online for Apple users using Chrome, a sequence of […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 21, 2015
Qualys provides SSL Labs APIs and a tool to automate SSL/TLS tests

Qualys announced the availability of free assessment SSL Labs APIs and a tool that could be used by users to automate SSL vulnerability testing for websites. The Qualys security firm recently created the Qualys SSL Labs that provided a free tool to conduct free assessment by using its APIs and a new tool that enable SSL […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 21, 2015
Major Browsers hacked at Pwn2Own hacking competition

At the  Pwn2Own hacking competition two researchers hacked the four major browsers, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari. Two researchers on Thursday successfully hacked the four major browsers, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari, at the Pwn2Own, the annual hacking contest in Vancouver. In particular the Korean researcher […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 21, 2015
Operation Woolen Goldfish, a hacking campaign in the wild

Security experts at Trend micro uncovered a new hacking campaign dubbed Operation Woolen Goldfish likely run by a threat actor group known as Rocket Kitten. Security experts at Trend Micro have uncovered a new cyber espionage campaign that is targeting a number of European organisations and businesses. The attackers run a spear phishing campaign that […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 20, 2015
China and its cyber capabilities, are you really surprised?

China has admitted the existence in its military organization of special information warfare units, I contacted one of the greatest experts for a comment. Bill Hagestad (Red-DragonRising  @RedDragon1949) is a consultant, speaker and expert on Chinese cyber warfare. He is author of 21st Century Chinese Cyberwarfare and Chinese Information Warfare Doctrine Development 1994 – 2014  among […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 20, 2015
China admitted the existence of Information warfare units

For the first time China has publicly admitted the existence in its military organization of special information warfare units.  Since quite some time that security experts sustain that China has one of the most advanced cyber army that is responsible for carried some of the highest profile cyber-attacks, but the Government of Beijing China always […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 20, 2015
Researchers developed a new powerful BIOS Bootkit that exploits BIOS flaws

Security researchers developed a new BIOS bootkit that exploit recently discovered vulnerabilities. The experts will present their study to the CanSecWest. BIOS bootkits are a reality despite there is little evidence of BIOS implants in the wild. The BIOS bootkits was mentioned when Snowden disclosed the catalog of surveillance tools used by the NSA ANT division, these malicious malware are […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 20, 2015
Drupal flaw allows reset password by crafting specific URLs

The Drupal team issued an update to fix a flaw that allows attackers reset password by crafting URLs under certain circumstances. Security experts discovered two critical vulnerabilities in Drupal CMS, one of them is an Access bypass (Password reset URLs) vulnerability that could be exploited to forge Password Reset URLs. “Password reset URLs can be forged […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 19, 2015
Boeing announced its hack-proof drone

Boeing announced its project for the production of an unhackable drone, dubbed Boeing Little Bird, which should be in flight around the end of 2017. The drone industry is growing at a rapid pace. Aerospace research company Teal Group has estimated that sales of military and civilian drones will total over $89 billion in the […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 19, 2015
IBM X-Force reported a billion data records leaked in 2014

Within the year of 2014, a lot of data was leaked and this leads to grave concerns as to the future of overall online security. Unfortunately, 2014 was one of the worst years and the reason of that was that a lot if viruses and attempts of violation of online privacy. IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence […]