Data Breach

Pierluigi Paganini November 13, 2016
AdultFriendFinder company data breach exposes 412 million accounts

The company that owns AdultFriendFinder and other adult websites has been hacked, data breach exposes 412 million accounts making this the largest 2016 hack Almost every account password was cracked, thanks to the company’s poor security practices. Even “deleted” accounts were found in the breach. A new massive data breach is in the headlines, the […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 12, 2016
Capgemini inadvertently leaks data of recruitment firm Michael Page

Job-related information belonging to hundreds of thousands of individuals in a Michael Page database was exposed online by Capgemini. The firm Capgemini has inadvertently published a database of the Michael Page company, a company owned by PageGroup and specialized in recruiting. The data leak has accidentally exposed job-related records of hundreds of thousands of individuals. Michael Page has notified […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 11, 2016
Kapustkiy breached the Paraguay Embassy of Taiwan, data leaked online

Once again the hacker Kapustkiy breached an embassy and leaked data on Pastebin, this time the victim is the Paraguay Embassy of Taiwan. The security pentester who goes online with the moniker Kapustkiy breached the Paraguay Embassy of Taiwan ( A few days ado the hacker and his friend Kasimierz (@Kasimierz_) hacked the Indian Embassies in Switzerland, Mali, […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 07, 2016
Cisco data leak – Job applications portal leaked personal information

Cisco data leak – Cisco has fixed a security vulnerability in the company Professional Careers portal that exposed personal information of the users. Cisco data leak – Cisco has fixed a security vulnerability existing in the company Professional Careers portal that may have leaked personal information. Cisco has notified the issue to the affected users […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 06, 2016
Databases of Indian embassies leaked online. Too easy hack them

The databases of the Indian Embassies in Switzerland, Mali, Romania, Italy, Malawi, and Libya were leaked online by two grey hat hackers. Today I was contacted by a security pentester who goes online with the moniker Kapustkiy who revealed me to have breached the Indian Embassies in Switzerland, Mali, Romania, Italy, Malawi, and Libya. Kapustkiy and his friend Kasimierz (@Kasimierz_) told […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 01, 2016
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency reported a former employee stolen data from office

A former employee of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency downloaded 10,000 records onto thumb drives before his retirement in November 2015. On Friday, the US banking regulator told Congress about a potential “major information security incident” after it discovered that a former employee has downloaded a large number of files onto thumb drives […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 29, 2016
Red Cross Blood Service incident. The Australian largest ever leak of Personal data

The Australian Red Cross Blood Service confirmed the data leak that exposed a backup database containing the personal details of donors. This data leak is considered by security experts one of the most severe due to the nature of the target, the Australian Red Cross Blood Service. The sensitive database was discovered on October 24 by […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 28, 2016
Michigan State University hacked, personal information leaked online

The young hacker Mys7erioN announced to have hacked into the database of a US organization, the Michigan State University. Data leaked online. Today I was contacted via Twitter by Mys7erioN who revealed me to have hacked into the database of a US organization, the Michigan State University. As proof of the hack, Mys7erioN published on Pastebin  the records […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 22, 2016
Indian Banks fear a security breach that affected up to 3.25 million cards

A number of Indian banks are adopting extraordinary measures fearing a security breach that could have exposed as many as 3.25 million debit cards. A number of Indian banks are adopting extraordinary measures fearing a security breach that could have exposed as many as 3.25 million debit cards (0.5 percent of the nearly 700 million […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 21, 2016
Weebly data breach affected more than 43 million customers

Weebly, a San Francisco-based Drag-n-Drop website creator, will start sending notification letters to all of their customers due to a data breach. Another data breach is in the headlines, Weebly and Foursquare are the latest victims of the massive data breaches. According to data breach notification site LeakedSource, hackers compromised details for over 43 Million users. […]