A security expert noticed strange transactions from the Bitcoin wallet of the SilkRoad (now in the hands of Feds) to the ShadowBrokers ‘ wallet. I was surfing the Internet searching for interesting data about the ShadowBrokers group that leaked exploits and hacking tools belonging to the NSA Equation Group. I have found a very intriguing analysis […]
Researchers tested the BENIGNCERTAIN tool included in the NSA data dump that allows attackers to extract VPN passwords from certain Cisco devices. Following the disclosure of the NSA dump, IT vendors Cisco and Fortinet issued security patches to fix the flaws exploited by the Equation Group in their products. Now, security researchers have uncovered another […]
Iran âs cyberspace security authorities are investigating a string of fires in the country oil and gas facilities. Incidents or cyber sabotage? Once again, something of strange is happening in Iran, the Government of Teheran is investigating a recent string of incidents occurred in critical infrastructure in the country. The Iran’s Supreme National Cyberspace Council […]
The organization that controls the development of the Bitcoin software warns users that nation-state actors may hit the upcoming Bitcoin Core release. The organization that controls the development of the Bitcoin system, Bitcoin.org, has warned of possible cyber attacks coordinated by nation-state attackers. Bitcoin Core is the open source client for Bitcoin, the version Bitcoin Core […]
Kaspersky Lab discovered the Operation Ghoul, a campaign targeting industrial, manufacturing and engineering organizations in more than 30 countries. Security experts from Kaspersky have discovered a profit-driven campaign dubbed Operation Ghoul. Threat actors behind the Operation Ghoul targeted more than 130 organizations in 30 countries, including companies operating in the industrial and engineering sectors. Hackers targeted mainly […]
Customers of Cisco and Fortinet security firms need to patch their products to fix the flaws exploited by the Equation Group exploits and hacking tools. While security experts are analyzing the hacking tools leaked in the data dump by the Shadow Brokers, security firms are working to fix the vulnerabilities exploited by the Equation Group toolsets. Both […]
The NSA-linked unit The Equation Group has been hacked and a data dump containing exploits and tools has been leaked online. Is it legitimate? It is the topic of the moment, the group The Shadow Brokers has hacked the NSA-linked unit the Equation Group and leaked online exploits and hacking tools. The hackers had dumped online […]
Are you searching for a cyber security expert that attacks ISIS online propaganda every day? VujaDeGhost is one of them. Enjoy the interview! Have you participated in any hacking campaigns? I have not personally participated in the hacks that have been in the news or have been plastered all over Twitter as of late. That being said, I […]
Experts from Lookout revealed that all Android versions running the Linux Kernel 3.6 to the latest are affected by the CVE-2016-569 Linux flaw. Recently I wrote about a severe vulnerability (CVE-2016-5696) affecting the Linux version 3.6, deployed in 2012. The flaw was discovered by researchers from the University of California, Riverside, and the U.S. Army […]
A group of hackers claims to have hacked the NSA Equation Group, it is selling hacking tools and exploits in online auction. Security experts discussed several times about potential effects of the militarization of the cyberspace. Government-built malware and cyber weapons may run out of control, cyber weapons and hacking tools developed by nation-state hackers […]