
Pierluigi Paganini December 16, 2012
Korean cyber espionage campaign against Russia

Cyber espionage is worldwide recognized one of the most concerning cyber threats mainly operated by governments to steal sensible information to foreign states and private companies. FireEye has revealed a cyber espionage campaign, named “Sanny“, attributable to Korea that hosts command-and-control (C&C) servers used in the attacks, the C&C channel is embedded on a legitimate page […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 13, 2012
How to get into your house through SmartTV

It’s time of analysis for the past year and forecasts on what will be the main cyber threats for next year, F-Secure Labs proposed the following Top 7 Predictions for 2013: The end of the Internet as we know it? Leaks will reveal more government-sponsored espionage tools Commoditization of mobile malware will increase Another malware […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 11, 2012
ProjectWhiteFox 1.6M accounts exposed,Team Ghostshell vs UN Y.2770 standard

Once again the group of hackers Team Ghostshell conquers a record to have attacked major organizations and expose around 1.6 million accounts from the victims. In the past the hacktivists attacked Russian Government and businesses during a campaign named ProjectBlackstar. The hackers during the operation named ProjectWhiteFox have targeted a wide range of companies operating in […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 03, 2012
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency hit again by malware

The New Your Times has recently published the news the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency was hit by a virus that stolen secret information on newest rockets from an internal computer. The precious information was stored from a computer in Tsukuba Space Center located in northeast area of Tokyo, where it has been detected a malware that […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2012
National blackout in Syria and political position of Anonymous

Recently I wrote a post to describe the national blackout occurred is Syria, the event officially justified by the regime as a technical problem but that according many experts it could be the result of Government censorship operation. The collective of Anonymous is sure that Syrian regime was responsible for the national outage which purpose […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 30, 2012
How to turn any phone into a spy device with hardware hack

No peace for mobile environment that due its impressive increase is attracting cyber criminals and hackers like never before. The researcher Atul Alex has presented at last edition of International Malware Conference (MalCon) how it is possible to attack every mobile devices with a special hardware designed using common electronic components. Atul Alex presented a […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 29, 2012
Hackers hit International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) agency

Another victim of cyber attacks, the UN nuclear agency International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that one of its servers was compromised by a group of hackers who claims to be anti-Israeli. The group of hackers who named itself Parastoo Farsi have exposed contacts for more than 100 nuclear experts and scientists, the word […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 15, 2012
Skype, serious vulnerability found

The news is circulating with insistence on the net, Skype is suffering from a vulnerability that can expose its users to serious risks, due this reason it has suspended the password reset process. The Russian Blog Pixus.ru has published a post where it is described a workaround to hijack the accounts of the famous application. […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 07, 2012
Anonymous #OpVendetta, 11/5 day of meditation for information security

The world is holding its breath, the cyber threat is announced by the Anonymous group who has decided to celebrate November 5th in its own way, attacking a wide selection of targets. Anonymous celebrates Guy Fawkes Day, the British holiday commemorating a failed 17th-century plot to blow up British Parliament, with an incredible media operation, […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 05, 2012
Attack of Team GhostShell against Russian Government

Last month we have discussed on the attacks conducted by the group of hackers Team GhostShell against universities all over the world.  The group Team GhostShell claimed credit for the hack of  servers of the 100 principal universities from around the world, including Stanford, Princeton Harvard, the University of Michigan and also the Italian University of Rome. […]