
Pierluigi Paganini February 05, 2013
Federal Reserve computers targeted by Anonymous

The hacktivists of Anonymous group are still very active and are continuing their campaign dubbed  #OpLast Resort, this time hitting US financial world. The hackers have published private information and credentials of around 4,000 American bank executive accounts to protest on actual U.S. computer crime law reform judged unfair. The hacktivists have published on Pastebin […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 02, 2013
Twitter Hacked – 250K accounts may have been compromised

Today Twitter announced that has detected some suspect patterns related an unauthorized access attempts to Twitter user data, in a nutshell hackers breach Twitter this week and may they obtained access to authentication credentials and other information for as many as 250,000 user accounts. Bob Lord ,Director of Information Security, at Twitter wrote in a […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 01, 2013
Cyber espionage campaign against Americans news agencies – NYT

The news is sensational as granted one of the most important journal, the New York Times has announced that during the last months it was victim of cyber espionage coordinated by Chinese hackers probably state-sponsored attackers. The attacks happened in concomitance with the investigation of the journal, published on Oct. 25th, that revealed that the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 30, 2013
Security flaws in Universal Plug and Play expose million devices

Rapid7 security firm has published an interesting whitepaper entitled “Security Flaws in Universal Plug and Play” in which reports the result of a research conducted in the second half of 2012 that evaluated the global exposure of UPnP-enabled network devices. Security world has become accustomed to so surprising data, over 80 million unique IPs were identified […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 28, 2013
The case of SSH backdoor built in Barracuda Networks products

The worst nightmare for security experts, a backdoor hidden in large consume products, once again has become reality, several network appliances from Barracuda Networks Inc. contains a hidden hardware backdoor that allow to attackers to remotely control them. The backdoor, since now undocumented, has been disclosed by the same producer, the devices are configured to […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 17, 2013
Red October, RBN and too many questions still unresolved

The recently discovered cyber espionage campaign “Red October” has shocked world wide security community, the principal questions raised are: Who is behind the attacks? How is possible that for so long time the campaign went undetected? Which is the role of AV company in these operations? To try to understand who is behind the attacks […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 15, 2013
Kaspersky Lab discovered the cyber espionage campaign “Red October”

Last October Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research & Analysis Team started a new investigation after several attacks hit computer networks of various international diplomatic service agencies. The attacks appeared very suspect, a new large scale cyber-espionage operation has been discovered, the operation is dubbed «Red October», a name inspired by famous novel «The Hunt For The Red […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 12, 2013
New security problem for Oracle Java software

The year is start way for Oracle Java platform, a new Java 0-day vulnerability has been discovered and worldwide security community is very concerned on the potential effect of the bug. We have discovered how much dangerous could be the exploit of a zero-day vulnerability especially against institutional targets and governments (e.g. Elderwood project), state-sponsored hackers […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 10, 2013
Stylometric analysis to track anonymous users in the underground

Law enforcement and intelligence agencies conscious of the high risks related to cyber threats have started massive monitoring campaign, everything must be controlled to avoid unpleasant surprises. The trend is shared by every governments of the planet, intelligence agencies are making great investments in term of money and resources to define new methods and to […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 06, 2013
Zero-day vulnerability in Symantec PGP Whole Disk Encryption

IT community become familiar with the concept of zero-day vulnerability, no matter if it is related to SCADA system or mobile phone firmware, it could allow a hacker to silently interfere with user’s life, exposing it to serious risks. This time the product affected by the vulnerability is produced by Symantec, it is PGP Whole […]