On July 4 2014 Tor Team discovered a group of malicious relays that they assume were trying to deanonymize Tor Network users with confirmation attack technique. Tor network is an excellent technology to ensure users’ online anonymity, thanks to the Tor network users can hide online activities, staying far from the prying eyes of governments and […]
CyberESI firm revealed that Chinese hackers members of the Comment Crew group violated the corporate networks of top Israeli defense companies. Once again a news refers of Chinese hackers, alleged members of the Comment Crew group, who have conducted a cyber espionage campaign. This time is has been reported that the attackers violated the databases of three […]
The US Ambassador in Ukraine has released satellite images that prove Russia is firing rockets at Ukrainian troops across the border. The US State Department has released a collection of satellite images, via the ambassador in Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, that demonstrate that the Russian Army is firing rockets against Ukrainian troops located across the border. […]
The Russian government has launched a public competition, reserved to Russian entities, offering $111,000 to break Tor encryption. As anticipated in my previous post, law enforcement agencies and intelligence all over the world are investing to de-anonymize users in the deepweb, and in particular on Tor networks. Hacking Tor is a goal for many Intelligence agencies as […]
The co-creator of the Tor network confirmed that the Tor Project team is working to identify and fix the bug announced by researchers at Carnegie Mellon. Tor network is a system designed to anonymize user’s experience on the web, allowing the publishing of content in the part of web non indexed by search engines, dubbed DeepWeb. A […]
Apple has worked hard to make iOS devices reasonably secure but hidden services could be exploited to steal every user’s data in a stealthy way. Have you tried to enumerate the functionalities and services in your Apple iOS? You’d be surprised to find that numerous hidden features and services are not documented, some of them […]
Russian hackers hit Nasdaq critical systems with with a malware-based attack with the primary intent to sabotage the U.S. financial world. It was October 2010 when the FBI started an investigation on alleged malware-based cyber attacks against on Nasdaq, probably related to the operation of a state-sponsored group of hackers. After more than 12 months in which […]
Edward Snowden leaked a top-secret GCHQ document which details the operations and the techniques used by JTRIG unit for propaganda and internet deception. The JTRIG unit of the British GCHQ intelligence agency has designed a collection of applications that were used to manipulate for internet deception and surveillance, including the modification of the results of the […]
The New York Times revealed that in March Chinese hackers hacked systems at Office of Personnel Management stealing files of thousands of Federal employees According to the New York Times, senior American officials revealed that a group of Chinese hackers violated the computer networks of the United States government agency in March. The Chinese bad actors hacked US government systems […]
Google Security experts have detected and blocked unauthorized digital certificates for a number of its domains issued by the NIC of India. Google announced to have blocked unauthorized digital certificates for different of its domains issued by the National Informatics Centre of India, which holds several intermediate CA certificates trusted by the Indian Controller of Certifying Authorities (India CCA). […]