CryptoPhone 500 security firm has found 17 bogus cellphone towers in the US with a heavily customized handset exploited for surveillance activities. Seventeen mysterious cellphone towers have been discovered in the USA, they are identical to legitimate towers, the unique difference is related a heavily customized handset built for Android security. According to the Popular Science, […]
According to a government agencies around 300 oil and energy companies in Norway have been targeted by one of the biggest hacking campaign. Nearly 300 oil and energy companies in Norway have been targeted by one of the biggest cyber attacks ever to happen in the country, a government source reported last week. The identities of the firms […]
FBI and National Counterterrorism Center issued a memo to warn Government agencies on the risks related to Google Dorking on their websites. On July 7th, the FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center issued a memo to warn law enforcement and private security agencies about the practice of Google Dorking and its capabilities. The FBI warns the recipients […]
ICREACH is the codename for the NSA’s Secret Google-Like Search Engine for Metadata Analysis disclosed by a new collection of documents leaked by Snowden. ICREACH is the name of a Google-like search engine designed by the National Security Agency (NSA) that provides metadata related to individuals living in US to more than two dozen US government agencies. The Intercept […]
Experts working at US and UK Intelligence agencies on monthly base leak Tor vulnerabilities to the developers at the Tor Project. The BBC reported that the executive director of the Tor Project revealed that both US and UK intelligence agencies share bugs anonymously with Tor developers. The circumstance is quite surprising considering that both NSA and GCHQ […]
The day after the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 hackers stole classified data from the computers of senior officials involved in the investigation. Just after the incident occurred to the Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 a spear phishing attack targeted 30 government officials and bad actors have stolen classified documents relating to the missing Flight MH370. “The computers of […]
Operation Arachnophobia is a cyber espionage campaign originated in Pakistan descovered by experts from FireEye and ThreatConnect. Researchers from FireEye and ThreatConnect recently conducted a joint investigation on a series of targeted attacks that could be linked to the Pakistan. As explained by the experts the hacking campaign uncovered by experts is the demonstration that hackers […]
Nuclear Regulatory Commission systems were hacked three times in the last three years. According to investigators the bad actors are foreign hackers. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has been hit by cyber attacks three times during the past three years, bad actors behind the offensives have conducted spear phishing attacks to compromise the internal network […]
Security Experts at Kaspersky Global Research & Analysis Team have discovered several malware based attacks targeting opponents of the Regime in Syria. Malware is the most diffused cyber threat used by governments to track opponents and foreign governments, in the past security experts have already detected malicious codes targeting individuals oppose to the regime of Bashar al […]
The Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed a decree that will extend the use of SORM-2 to social network surveillance. It’s known that the Russian Government is applying a strict surveillance on the Internet within the country, the Kremlin has developed a system code named “SORM-2” to monitor Russian citizens. The Russian Government has […]