
Pierluigi Paganini April 02, 2012
Chinese hackers & Operation ‘Luckycat’ against Japan, Tibet and India

Recently experts monitored several targeted attacks against Tibetan activist organizations including the International Campaign for Tibet and the Central Tibet Administration. Researchers suspect the involvement of China and on groups of hackers sponsored by the Beijing government. In multiple cases, we have seen how the Chinese government promotes and supports from the economic point of view […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 30, 2012
Anonymous, Operation BlackOut and the two final

Hi all, I write a few hours before the fateful D-Day, March 31th … What happens tomorrow when I wake up? For sure I will breakfast, tomorrow I’ll not work so after breakfast turning on my PC will I be able to navigate on internet? What was the outcome of the Operation Blackout? I am the […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 30, 2012
North Korea scares the West

According to US official declarations North Korea has added new sophisticated cyber weapons to its arsenal, the event causes much concern in political and military. The dialogue between Western governments, and particularly the U.S, with the government in Pyongyang continues to be difficult, complicating the situation is the defiant attitude adopted by the North Korean government […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 28, 2012
Japan and the privacy contradictions

The massive use of new technologies has often raised thorny questions about the privacy of network users. The most difficult issue to resolve in the necessary to reach a compromise to assure the users requirements of security and privacy. The debate generates heated arguments, confusion and sometimes decisions in apparent contrast. In Japan, to the multinational […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 27, 2012
Huawei – Symantec, broken join venture and the fear on chinese firms

Huawei – Symantec joint venture is ended because the US firm feared business repercussion for the collaboration with the Chinese giant It’s official, the joint venture between Symantec and Huawei Technologies is ended because the American IT security firms feared that the collaboration with the Chinese telecommunications producer could have a sensible impact on its business. […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 25, 2012
US Experts say: Government Networks constantly hacked

For years, we have discussed the importance of appropriate cyber strategy and the necessity to preside over the main critical infrastructures to defend them from cyber threats of any kind and in our imagination we have always considered the US as a country at the forefront. While the cyber security experts analyze the progress made […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 21, 2012
China again victim of cyber attacks

We have always been accustomed to reading incursions of Chinese cyber army into networks belonging to foreign private companies and government institutions. The Beijing government has been accused of pursuing a very aggressive cyber strategy responsible for serious damage to foreign companies. An emblematic case of Nortel, the company spied on for a decade by Chinese hackers ended […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 18, 2012
Anonymous fake OS, who is behind it?

In recent days, by chance I discussed with colleagues the relationship between the Vatican and Anonymous groups because I consider the Holy See a very attractive target for several reason. A few hours later the site of Vatican went down, while I was writing of the possibility of OpBlackout and regarding the basting operations to discredit the group in terms of […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 16, 2012
CIA and the intelligence components of the things

Unfortunately, we rarely stop to reflect on the reality that surrounds us and the potential of the devices we use every day in the office, at home and when we’re out. The technology behind each of them has became the main architect of their operation and no matter whether we are talking about our phone or […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 14, 2012
Surgical malware attack agains US via Iran

Sometimes warfare operation and cyber crime are really difficult to distinguish, especially when the cyber scenario is related to country that is facing with rising political tension such as Iran. I refuse to call cyber criminals, a group of expert hackers who made himself the protagonist of a complex story from different points of view. The […]