
Pierluigi Paganini January 03, 2012
The strategic importance of censorship in search engines

Every day, billions of people making an unimaginable number of searches through search engines. Complex algorithms seek to recover in the shortest possible time and with greater sorrowfulness the requested information. We may venture that a good 80% of Internet users interact with the web through these powerful applications. But the engines are much more, […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 01, 2012
Hardware qualification, a must in a cyber strategy

We live in the era of free technology market , devices and appliances of all kinds can be found on a global market without particular problems. But when you make a purchase of hardware which is the main attribute that influences the final choice? Obviously price is an essential component that is very heavy on […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 29, 2011
Stuxnet, Duqu and the sons of the “Tilded” platform

We all have heard of Stuxnet viruses, malware that has undoubtedly marked a new era in the field. It is considered by experts the first real cyber weapon developed to infect control systems present in some of Iran’s nuclear facilities. With Stuxnet was, in fact, introduced a new concept of malware, a broad-spectrum deadly weapon […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 29, 2011
GSM mobile … the insecure network

The latest discovered vulnerability in GSM ( Global System for Mobile) technology is worrying many telecom operators of several countries due to their impact on an audience of billions users. Some experts in the Security Research Labs in Berlin have shown how to get the remote control of mobile phones to send SMS and make calls. […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 28, 2011
Iran threat … are we close to the conflict?

These days, there are countless news regarding the Iranian government and its ability to pursue its objectives of a cyber strategy. Winds of war, many swear that the next conflict could involve the much disputed nation. That something has changed in recent weeks is palpable, the Tehran government has used more than one occasion events […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 26, 2011
OSINT and the mine called “Internet”. How to …

All of us have received news regarding the incident occurred to Stratfor during this days, and we have learned that the company is specialized in reserch and information gathering for forecast and analisys purpose. There is a great business behind this kind of research. Of course we are speaking of one of the main company […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 26, 2011
Stratfor hack, “not so private and secret anymore”?

This Christmas will be reminded also for the hack of the Stratfor Global Intelligence service made by collective Anonymous who disclosed company website and also a the full client list of over 4000 individuals and corporations. They gained access to a subscriber list stored on, and that list contained unencrypted credit card data. The full […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 25, 2011
Israeli spy gear sent to Iran via Denmark, the dirty trade

Today I will discuss with you about the news that I was very impressed regarding the sale of a internet traffic monitoring system sold by an Israeli company to the Iranian government. The sold system is the “NetEnforcer” and was sold through the intermediary of a Danish company RanTek A / S. NetEnforcer bandwidth management devices provide […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 24, 2011
Iran, the cyber threat … are we creating a new enemy ?

“Iran, the super power capable of threatening the world”. This is the title of a hypothetical sensationalist article aimed to enhance the computer skills of a nation of which little is known. In recent weeks the strange coincidence of events is helping to fuel this belief that leaving the majority of Western countries perceive these […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 22, 2011
Russia, cyber repression in the social networks era

Several times in these posts we have discussed of the importance of social media in recent years. Social Media are the valuable carrier to disclose political decisions taken by central governments. This is well known to the main strategist of governments such as Russia, the country where a massive cyber repressive action was carried out […]