Georgia’s secretary of state, Brian Kemp, revealed that voter registration database was targeted by hackers with IP address linked to the DHS. While President Barack Obama has ordered US intelligence agencies to deeper investigate the alleged Russian interference with the 2016 Presidential Election, Georgia announced it’s traced an attempted breach of the state’s voter registration database to the DHS. […]
President Barack Obama has ordered US intelligence agencies to deeper investigate the alleged Russian interference with the 2016 Presidential Election. President Barack Obama is going to close his Presidential mandate, in one of the conclusive activities he has ordered intelligence agencies to deeper investigate the alleged Russian interference with the Presidential Election. He ordered a “full review” of cyber […]
According to the German Intelligence, the APT 28 group, also known as Fancy Bear, is ramping up information warfare against Germany and the rest of West. US intelligence agencies blame the Russian government for ramping up infowar against the US and the West. According to the US Government, Russian-state hackers hacked the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and other political organizations worldwide. […]
The Thieving Magpie programme allows the NSA and the GCHQ to intercept data from passengers traveling on board commercial aircrafts. This isn’t a sci-fi movie, the GCHQ and the NSA have spied on air passengers using in-flight GSM mobile services for years. The news was revealed by new documents obtained by Edward Snowden and recently […]
Security firm Zscaler have been monitoring a cyber espionage campaign dubbed ‘CNACOM’ that was targeting government organization in Taiwan. Security researchers from the firm Zscaler have been monitoring a cyber espionage campaign dubbed ‘CNACOM‘ that was targeting government organization in Taiwan. According to the researchers, the hackers behind the CNACOM campaign are linked to China […]
The US Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity, tasked by President Barack Obama, issued its final report with recommendations on cybersecurity. Cyber security is a primary issue in the agenda of many countries, the U.S. Presidential commission has recently issued recommendations to urge a proactive cooperation between private and public sectors. The collaboration aims to improve the security […]
As the coalition forces started to enter the Iraqi city of Mosul, many have seen Al-Baghdadi’s speech as desperate plea, exhorting his fighters to stand and fight for the Caliphate until their dying breath while he was cowardly running away from the fray. “Turn the disbelievers’ night into day, bring destruction to their homes, make […]
German politicians fear Russian interference in the next election after the cyber attack that hit at least 900,000 routers. During the weekend an improved version of the Mirai Botnet caused serious connectivity problems to at least 900,000 routers of the Deutsche Telekom. Just after the attack, some experts speculated the involvement of Russian hackers behind the botnet that powered […]
The GCHQ has released the code of a new open source web tool dubbed CyberChef, specifically designed for analyzing and decoding data. Open data are a privileged source for intelligence agencies, almost any government is largely investing in technology to analyze them. Recently the British intelligence Agency, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), has launched a new […]
Security researchers from Kaspersky Lab are warning of targeted attacks with InPage zero-day against a number of organizations in Asia. According to experts from Kaspersky Lab, a number of organizations in Asia have been targeted with InPage zero-day. InPage is a word processor widely used in Asia because is supports languages such as Urdu, Persian, Pashto and […]