
Pierluigi Paganini July 22, 2016
Snowden and Bunnies devised the Introspection Engine to avoid surveillance

The NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and the popular hacker Andrew “Bunnie” Huang designed Introspection Engine, an interesting anti-surveillance device. While the number of mobile devices is outclassing the number of desktop ones, the concern about the surveillance activities conducted by governments is growing as never before also thanks the Snowden revelations. Mobile devices, often unprotected, […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 21, 2016
Erdogan Emails: WikiLeaks blocked in Turkey after the release of 300K government emails

The Turkish Government blocked the access to WikiLeaks after release of the Erdogan emails, 300,000 government emails date 2010 to July this year. Cyberspace and the real world are even more interdependent, the observation of the events in both environments is an essential activity for the analysts to predict evolutionary scenarios. The world is attending events […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 15, 2016
Furtim’s advance capabilities and the Energy Sector

The Labs team at SentinelOne recently discovered a sophisticated malware dubbed Furtim specifically targeting at least one European energy company. In May of this year, security researcher Yotam Gottesam with enSilo, began unraveling a mystery that continues to unravel. First reported by FireF0X, a self-proclaimed “ex-malware analyst” located in the Russian Federation, the Furtim malware […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 13, 2016
Tor and Linux Users Are Extremists? The NSA Thinks So

The National Security Agency (NSA) has reportedly turned its focus on Tor and Linux users, having recently shown a keen interest in these users’ online activities. The NSA has gone as far as calling users of products such as The Amnesic Incognito Live System (Tails) and Tor as extremists. Readers of Linux Journal were also […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 06, 2016
Government wiretaps – You can’t stop what you can’t see

Report on wiretaps in 2015 suggests Americans are using less encryption to hide their activities online, is it really true. Last week, a wiretap report from 2015 surfaced on the United States Courts website that suggests Americans are using less encryption to hide their activities online but the report may not tell the whole story. […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 29, 2016
Pawn Storm APT group targets thousands Google Accounts

Russian cyber spies belonging to the Pawn Storm APT group have targeted a significant number of Google accounts belonging to individuals worldwide. The Pawn Storm APT group is once again in the headlines, this time the hackers targeted a significant number of Google accounts belonging to individuals in Russia, former Soviet Union countries, the United States, Europe. […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 29, 2016
Germany limits BND powers after the disclosure of its support to the NSA

The government of Berlin approved new measures to rein in the activities of BND agency after its scandalous support to NSA surveillance activity. In April 2016, the German government replaced the head of the external intelligence service after a barrage of criticism over the support offered by the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) to the NSA in spying […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 28, 2016
The FBI’s Massive Clandestine Spy Budget Which Allows It To Monitor Citizens Without a Warrant

According to The Intercept, FBI has at its disposal “hundreds of millions of dollars” for developing technology to use in its investigations. The FBI has at its disposal “hundreds of millions of dollars” for developing technology to use in both national security and domestic law enforcement investigations, including surveillance. But, the FBI won’t release that […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 23, 2016
What’s really behind China’s drop in attacks against the US?

According to the experts from FireEye attacks from China against the US started declining in mid-2014 and has continued to decrease, why? Earlier this week, FireEye released a report showing a significant decline in cyber-attacks originating from China.  According to the report, the attacks started declining in mid-2014 and has continued.  According to FireEye, the […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 22, 2016
Tech coalition asked to roll back changes to Rule 41 that allows FBI mass hacking

A coalition of tech groups asked the Congress to roll back changes to Rule 41 that allowed law enforcement to do mass hacking. Congress should block the changes to the rules for the regulation of US law enforcement investigations. The rules allow law enforcement agencies hacking in computers worldwide for its investigation. In April, the […]