
Pierluigi Paganini August 12, 2016
Are voting machines easy to hack? Yes, because they are outdated

Is it possible to hack voting machines? According to cyber security experts, it is possible due to the use of outdated systems. The recent attacks against the DNC and Hillary Clinton‘s server raised the question about the cyber security of entire US election machine. Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum, Lisa O. Monaco, homeland security […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 08, 2016
ProjectSauron APT, aka Strider, found targeting firms in Russia, China

Experts spotted a previously unknown APT group dubbed Strider or ProjectSauron that carried out surgical cyber-espionage attacks against targets worldwide. A previously unknown hacking group variously dubbed ‘Strider’ or ‘ProjectSauron’ has been conducting a surgical cyber espionage campaign against targets in Russia, Belgium, China, Iran, Sweden, and Rwanda. According to experts from Symantec, the Strider crew […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 06, 2016
Cyberwar – The cyberspace is already a dangerous battlefield

The number of high-profile hacks demonstrates that a silent cyberwar is already ongoing among countries in the cyberspace. The recent hacks of the Democratic National Committee and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the alleged infections spotted by the Russian FSB inside government networks demonstrate the intense activity in the cyberspace. It is a virtual […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 04, 2016
Telegram massive hack in Iran, what is happened?

Hackers accessed Telegram accounts in Iran, a security duo investigated the security breach and will present its findings at the Black Hat Conference. 15 million Iranian Telegram accounts have been compromised, users have reportedly had their personal information exposed (phone number, Telegram ID). The security researchers Collin Anderson and Claudio Guarnieri have investigated the case, more […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 30, 2016
Russian Intelligence says a spyware infected state agencies in a coordinated attack

The Russian Intelligence agency, the FSB, announced the discovery of a spyware in the computer networks belonging to at least 20 organizations. While security experts and the US law enforcement speculate the involvement of Russian state-sponsored hackers behind the DNC hack, the Federal Security Service, the FSB, announced the discovery of a spyware in state […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 30, 2016
Clinton campaign servers were accessed as part of DNC hack

Media outlet continues to publish news regarding the DNC hack, computer servers used by Clinton campaign were compromised as part of DNC hack. The news of the recent Democratic National Convention (DNC) hack is monopolizing the technological debate around the US presidential campaign. Yesterday I reported the news of another hack against the operation of the DNC, according to the Reuters, […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 29, 2016
The Detox Ransome hacker stole Democratic National Committee DB in 2015

The notorious hacker Detox Ransome was searching for Heartbleed vulnerable servers when found and stole a Democratic National Committee DB in 2015. According to The Epoch Times, the notorious hacker Detox Ransome stole Democrat Databases in 2015. In September 2015, the hacker breached a service linked to the operations of the Democratic National Committee accessing the internal database. Detox […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 27, 2016
Patchwork hacker crew is spying on companies in multiple industries

Security experts at Symantec revealed that the Patchwork hacker crew is now expanding espionage activities on companies in a wide range of industries. Security experts from Symantec have spotted a new cyber espionage campaign managed by the Patchwork group targeting organizations in multiple industries. The hacker crew is a well-known group, its activities are focused on diplomatic […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 26, 2016
DNC hackers’ attack was deeper than previously thought

New evidence collected by investigators suggests that hackers that attacked DNC penetrated deeper than previously thought. In June, the security research firm CrowdStrike reported on a cyber breach of the Democratic National Committee (DNS).  CrowdStrike’s incident response time discovered not one, but two hacking groups that it considers “some of the best adversaries out of the all […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 22, 2016
Snowden and Bunnies devised the Introspection Engine to avoid surveillance

The NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and the popular hacker Andrew “Bunnie” Huang designed Introspection Engine, an interesting anti-surveillance device. While the number of mobile devices is outclassing the number of desktop ones, the concern about the surveillance activities conducted by governments is growing as never before also thanks the Snowden revelations. Mobile devices, often unprotected, […]