
Pierluigi Paganini September 09, 2014
Trustwave analyzed of point-of-sale malware

Experts at Trustwave analyzed point-of-sale malware providing data related principal code used, exfiltration and persistence techniques implemented. Trustwave firm as published an interesting report on the point-of-sale malware based on its investigation on different breaches involving payment card data. The experts at Trustwave have examined a large amount of malware that targets point-of-sale devices, this family of malicious code is […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 07, 2014
TrendMicro detected a malware bypasses Chrome Extension Security Feature

Experts at TrendMicro detected a new click fraud campaign based on a malware able to bypass the Chrome Extension Security Feature. A group of researchers has discovered that malicious code can easily bypass Chrome Extension Security Feature, the team has found a new social engineering trick that leads users to a malicious extension from Google Chrome […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 06, 2014
APT ported XSLCmd Backdoor on OS X according to FireEye

Security Experts at FireEye Lab discovered a new variant of the XSLCmd backdoor that has been used in targeted attacks infecting Mac OX based systems. Experts at FireEye Labs have discovered a previously unknown variant of the APT backdoor XSLCmd, OSX.XSLCmd, which is used by a group of hackers known for past cyber espionage activities against the U.S. […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 04, 2014
AlienVault discovered Watering Hole attacks using Scanbox for reconnaissance

Security experts at AlienVault discovered a series of watering hole attacks using the Scanbox reconnaissance Framework that is targeting several industries. Security experts at AlienVault Labs have uncovered a watering hole attack with a singular characteristic, the attackers are using a framework developed for reconnaissance as the primary infection vector. The attackers deployed a malicious JavaScript on the targeted […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 01, 2014
The case of Linux DDoS Trojan ported to Windows

Experts at Dr.Web detected a Linux DDoS Trojan designed to infect also Windows OS, the circumstance is considered rare in the criminal ecosystem. The Russian antivirus company Dr. Web discovered that a Chinese DDoS Trojan written for Linux operating system seems have jumped to Windows, an event considered rare. “Cases of Linux malware being tailored by […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 01, 2014
APWG Q2 2014 report, phishing is even more dangerous

The APWG Report Q2 2014 states that phishing activities continue to increase, phishers are targeting Crypto Currency, Payment Services and Retail Sites. The APWG has published its new report related to phishing activities in the period April – June 2014, the document titled “Phishing Activity Trends Report, 2nd Quarter 2014” states that online payment services […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 31, 2014
Malvertising campaign hit high profile websites including java_com

A new malvertising campaign has been spotted by experts at Fox-IT, the researchers discovered malicious ads on high-profile websites including Experts at Fox-IT revealed in a blog post the Internet firm AppNexus is the origin of a new “malvertising” campaign, which is based on the Angler Exploit Kit to redirect visitors to malicious websites serving the Asprox malware. AppNexus provides a platform […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 30, 2014
Bifrose malware leveraging on Tor caught in a targeted attack on a device manufacturer

Security experts at TrendMicro have detected a new variant of the BIFROSE malware leveraging on the Tor network in a targeted attack. Security experts at TrendMicro have been investigating a targeted attack against a device manufacturer when they discovered that BIFROSE malware, a well-known backdoor, has infected the systems of the company.  BIFROSE has been around for many […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 28, 2014
470 million sites are One Day Wonders, one in five is malicious

A study conducted by Blue Coat on 660 million unique hostnames reports that 470 Million websites are One Day Wonders and 22 Percent are malicious. A recent research conducted by security experts at Blue Coat revealed that 470 million websites exist only for one day and nearly one on five is malicious. Blue Coat experts over a […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 28, 2014
Russian Hackers disguise Kelihos bot as Anti-Government Software

Russian Hackers are spreading the Kelihos Trojan leading victims into believing that it is a software to hit Western Governments. Kelihos botnet is still active and exploited by the cybercrime ecosystem to monetize its effort as discovered by security experts at Bitdefender. Cyber criminals have a single purpose, to earn money by any means, for this reason it is […]