Security experts have discovered that Sony Xperia Smartphones secretly send user Data to servers in China due to the presence of the Baidu spyware. Sony Xperia Devices secretly send user data to servers in China, this is the last news that is shocking the mobile industry and that was published on several forums. The problem relates to Sony […]
Security firm Damballa issued the ‘State of Infections Report Q3 2014’ that highlights a 57% increase in infections of the notorious Backoff POS malware. Security experts at Damballa security firm detected a 57% increase in infections of the popular Backoff malware in the third quarter, the number of infections was jumped high from August to September and […]
The security firm AdaptiveMobile has discovered a new variant of Koler ransomware is capable of self-replication via SMS messages. A new strain of the Koler Android ransomware is threatening the mobile industry, the new variant spreads itself via SMSs and holds the victim’s device phone hostage until a ransom is paid. The Koler ransomware were detected by experts […]
A group of Israeli researchers has demonstrated at the last Black Hat Conference how to hack air gapped networks by using lasers and drones. A lot of people believe that it is possible to secure a computer keeping it off, security specialists define a network separated by the Internet, or by any other unsecure networks, as “Air gapped […]
Trend Micro discovered a cyber-espionage operation dubbed Operation Pawn Storm, which is targeting military, government and media entities worldwide. A new cyber espionage operation targeting military, government and media agencies on a global scale has been discovered by security experts at Trend Micro. Also in this case it seems that the threat actors behind the operation, dubbed […]
Security experts at TrendMicro have discovered a cyber espionage campaign which used a malware dubbed Drigo to syphon data through Google Drive. Security experts at TrendMicro have uncovered a new wave of targeted attacks which were stolen information through Google Drive. The researcher detected a new strain of data stealer malware, dubbed Drigo, that is apparently used in hacking […]
Principal security firms united in a joint effort dubbed Operation SMN against the cyber espionage group known as Hidden Lynx and its arsenal. The Hidden Lynx APT is a China-based group of hackers that conducted numerous cyber espionage campaign against U.S. defense contractors and other foreign organizations. The name Hidden Lynx was assigned to the APT by experts at […]
A security expert defined a new attack technique dubbed Reflected File Download that allows to serve a ‘Zero-Day’ Worm without possibility of defense. The security expert Oren Hafif has invented a new attack technique dubbed Reflected File Download (RFD) that could be adopted to hack victim’s computer when he tries and logs in to popular and trusted website like Google and […]
The experts at The Malware Must Die detected numerous attack worldwide exploiting the Bash Bug flaw to spread the Mayhem botnet. The researchers at Malware Must Die published a report warning of Mayhem Shellshock attack, the experts explained to have detected a significant number of Linux and UNIX systems infected by several IP addresses belonging to […]
A team of German researchers developed an innovative Android app dubbed DREBIN capable of detecting 94 percent of mobile malware. A team of German researchers composed by Daniel Arp, Konrad Rieck, Malte Hubner, Michael Spreitzenbarth of Siemens computer emergency response team and Hugo Gascon of the University of Gottingen have developed an Android app capable […]