Social Networks

Pierluigi Paganini August 20, 2012
Social Networks Part 1 – Who exactly are you disclosing your life story to?

Article published on The Malta Indipendent Ron Kelson, Pierluigi Paganini, Fabian Martin, David Pace, Benjamin Gittins “Be social” is the buzzword of recent years. No matter whether we are at home, in the gym, at work, or elsewhere, we are haunted by the need to be part of something online. We live alternative online lives, and we have dense networks of […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 04, 2012
Reuters blogging platform hacked, the critical role of information

In this day my blog has dedicated a great attention to the security of social media, explaining the importance of new communication networks. Today the information is synonymous with power, due this consideration is critical develop the proper processes for its management. To acquire information today we infiltrate social networks, we attack forums and social […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 03, 2012
Facebook, more than 83 million questionable profiles.The poisoned networks

Crazy … a year ago on a warm June evening I began to formalize some ideas on a concept of great relevance today, the “social network poisoning”. I am the person who coined the term, proposing the scientific community with some colleagues who share my ideas as Andrea Zapparoli Manzoni and Kalos Bonasia. Immediately I inserted […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 07, 2012
LinkedIn passwords compromised.Social network poisoning & other risks

It’s happened, today has been diffused the news that users’ passwords of the most famous business social network LinkedIn have been stolen and leaked on Internet. The company, through it blog, has confirmed the event declaring that more than six million passwords were compromised. Following the message published We want to provide you with an […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 28, 2012
CIA, FBI, NSA, differents agencies for an unique intent…global monitoring

We have discussed several times regarding the intention of the FBI to create a special unit for internet monitoring and surveillance, a task force established to prevent and fight cyber crimes .In reality the Bureau already has different internal units that work with the same purpose and in the last years has promoted different projects […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 08, 2012
FBI,content monitoring,backdoors & Going Dark…shake well before use

Social Networks represent a rich mine of information of great interest for researchers, cybercriminals and government agencies. Analyzing the networks is possible to track detailed profile of any users, his relationships and his habits, the possibility to exercise the control of social networks is an actual form of power, the power of knowledge. We have […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 03, 2012
7 Most Common Facebook Crimes

It’s a pleasure for me to propose to my readers an article of my colleagues of TheBestDegrees Group on social networking and related crimes. Several times I highlighted the importance of social networking and of all related form of communication. Of course with the rapid diffusion of technology the number of crimes is increased dramatically. […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 28, 2012
Japan and the privacy contradictions

The massive use of new technologies has often raised thorny questions about the privacy of network users. The most difficult issue to resolve in the necessary to reach a compromise to assure the users requirements of security and privacy. The debate generates heated arguments, confusion and sometimes decisions in apparent contrast. In Japan, to the multinational […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 23, 2012
Social networks & Deactivated Friend Attack, the cybercrime paradise

A few days ago I wrote about the dangers relating to a not careful attendance of social networks, powerful platforms and privileged communication tools, the subject of increasing interest of cybercrime. Many possibilities for attack across these platforms, from social engineering to cyber espionage, not forgetting the spread of all types of malware. Endless audiences […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 28, 2012
Stratfor on Iran, Palantir and Goldman Sachs

It is impossible to argue otherwise, after one days from the publication of mail stolen during the hack to Stratfor, it’s time to analyze them in the light of political events in recent years. More than a surprise in many cases we have had confirmation on the controversial work made by governments, companies and security […]