Google has just revealed the details on tree new technologies, uProxy, Digital Attack Map and Project Shield, to secure the web and to fight censorship. This week Google launched the Project Shield, an initiative sustained by the company to protect enterprises from DDoS attack that are becoming a serious problem for Internet infrastructures. Google is […]
Arbor Networks has published a quarterly report based on data pulled from ATLAS which includes new insight into DDoS attack trends having worrying characteristics. Arbor Networks has issued the report on global DDoS attack trends for the first three quarters of 2013, the report revealed that this kind of attack still represents a serious menace for IT […]
NSA leaked documents reveals the existence of FOXACID servers that provides an automated hacking platform used to drive operators into hacking targets. Security expert Bruce Schneier revealed in a recent post that the NSA has a wide-ranging arsenal of zero-day exploits to use for cyber operations, mainly used for cyber espionage campaigns. The effort spent by government for the […]
HP sponsored a study of Ponemon Institute that reveals Cost of Cybercrime in 2013 escalates 78 Percent while Time to Resolve Attacks More Than Doubles. HP and the Ponemon Institute have published The 2013 Cost of Cyber Crime Study, the fourth annual report that provides an estimation of the economic impact of cybercrime. âInformation is a powerful […]
What is an E-shop for iFramed traffic and how does cybercrime exploit it? In this post thanks to the investigation of the incredible Dancho Danchev I’ll try to answer to these questions. On numerous occasion I remarked the need to carefully observe the evolution of the underground market to identify dangerous trends that can leave portend a new wave of […]
FireEye security firm released World War C report to explain nation-state motives behind advanced Nation-state driven cyber attacks. Nation-state driven cyber attacks are routinely conducted on a global scale to defend national sovereignty and project national power. We are living in the cyber era, human conflict is involving also the fifth domain of warfare, the cyberspace. As never […]
Thousands of WordPress based websites have been hacked to compose a global scale botnet that is performing powerful DDOS attacks. I start the post with recommendations, if you are a blogger using WordPress don’t waste time and update it and all installed plugins to the latest versions! Have you done it? OK, now I can explain you what it is […]
Group-IB Threat Intelligence Report 2012â2013 H1 is an excellent analysis on the state and dynamics of todayâs market of computer crimes and cyber threats. Group-IB has recently issued an interesting report titled “Group-IB Threat Intelligence Report 2012 â 2013 H1” on the state and dynamics of todayâs market of computer crimes and current cyber threats […]
The majority of financial service professionals considers Man In The Browser as the greatest threat to online banking, cybercrime increases its use. Man In The Browser attack, DDoS attacks, phishing are most insidious cyber threats against banking institutions. Last statistics proposed by principal security firms confirm that online banking is considered a lucrative business for […]
China hit by DDoS attack. The CINIC confirmed that the country suffered a DDoS attack over the weekend causing the Internet inaccessibility for hours. During the weekend China’s Internet was taken down by a powerful DDoS attack, according to security experts behind the offensive there is a group of skilled hackers that on Sunday hit the […]