GnuPG 2.2.8 released earlier this month addresses the CVE-2018-12020 vulnerability, dubbed SigSpoof, affecting GnuPG, Enigmail, GPGTools, and python-gnupg. GnuPG, also known as GPG, is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 (also known as PGP). GnuPG allows users to encrypt and sign data and communications. GnuPG version 2.2.8 released earlier this month addresses the CVE-2018-12020 vulnerability, dubbed SigSpoof, affecting GnuPG, […]
Israeli Security researchers explained how to break 4096-bit RSA analyzing CPU sound emitted during decryption (Acoustic Cryptanalysis attack). Israeli Security Researchers at Tel Aviv University recently published an interesting paper titled “RSA Key Extraction via Low-Bandwidth Acoustic Cryptanalysis” to explain how they have successfully broken 4096-bit RSA analyzing Computer’s CPU Sound emitted during execution of […]