The popular investigator Brian Krebs published the details of his investigation on the identity of the Mirai author Anna-Senpai. In the last months, the Mirai bot monopolized the attention of the media, it was used to power the massive DDoS attack against the Dyn DNS service causing an extended Internet outage. A large portion of Internet users […]
2016 was the biggest year by far for all sorts of bots. From Chatbots to bad bots, the past year was eventful to say the least. With more than 980+ cyber security breaches across all online businesses and 35 million accounts exposed. Yahoo! In a 2016 report, disclosed that more than 1 billion accounts have […]
Many Sony cameras could be hijacked by hackers and infected with Mirai-like malware due to the presence of a sort of secret backdoor. Sony has closed a sort of debug backdoor that was spotted in 80 web-connected surveillance cameras. The hardcoded logins in the firmware of the Sony cameras can be exploited to hijack the […]
Security experts from CloudFlare observed a new botnet that emerged in the wild and it could be dangerous as its predecessor Mirai. Which is the most dreaded botnet in the current threat landscape? The Mirai botnet of course, it was used by threat actors in the wild to power massive DDoS attack, such as the […]
The hackers Popopret and BestBuy are offering a DDoS-for-hire service leveraging a Mirai botnet composed of around 400,000 compromised devices. We have written a lot about the Mirai botnet after the clamorous attacks against the Dyn DNS service and the OVH hosting, it is a dangerous threat that was designed to target IoT devices that could be used to power massive DDoS […]
The popular security expert Robert Graham, CEO of Errata Security, has explained how the Mirai botnet could hack a security camera in a few seconds. The recent string of attacks powered with the Mirai botnet has demonstrated to the security industry the potential effects of DDoS attacks on the global Internet backbone. Experts who investigated […]
Exclusive: The security researcher MalwareMustDie has found a new Linux/IRCTelnet malware– made in Italy – that aims IoT botnet connected by IRC and Telnet. It is able to generate an IPv6 DDoS and performing NEW dangerous capabilities that Mirai was unable to cover. In a brief interview to Security Affairs @unixfreakjp of MalwareMustDie group explains […]
Security researchers have found vulnerabilities in the source code of the Mirai botnet and devised a method to hack back it. The Mirai botnet, this name is familiar to security experts due to the massive DDoS attack that it powered against the Dyn DNS service a few days ago. The Mirai malware was first spotted […]
Massive DDoS attacks caused broadband outages to StarHub customers,it is the first time that Singapore has experienced such an attack on its infrastructure. StarHub in Singapore is the latest victim of a massive DDoS attacks powered with compromised IoT devices against its DNS infrastructure. It seems that hackers used kit owned by its customers, the company mitigated […]
NewWorldHackers & Anonymous powered the massive DDoS attack against the Dyn DNS service that caused a serious Internet outage for many netizens. The cyber attacks against the Dyn DNS service that affected a huge portion of Internet users in the US is monopolizing the media. IT security experts have no doubts, hackers powered the massive DDoS attack […]