Social Engineering

Pierluigi Paganini February 01, 2015
IC3 and FBI warn about Business Email Compromise aka Wire Payment Scam

IC3 and FBI warn about a significant increase of cases related to Business Email Compromise, nearly 2,000 individuals were victims of a wire payment scam. According to an online statement from the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) and the FBI, nearly 2,000 individuals were victims of a wire payment scam that was extended to 45 countries and […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 06, 2015
Wifiphisher – Automated phishing attacks against Wifi networks

A Greek security researcher has developed WiFiPhisher, a Wi-Fi social engineering tool that is designed to steal credentials from users of WPA networks. The Greek security expert George Chatzisofroniou has developed WiFiPhisher, a WiFi social engineering tool that allows an attacker to steal credentials from users of secure WiFi networks. WiFiPhisher is available for download on the software […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 07, 2014
GOP sent threatening emails to Sony Pictures Employees

Hackers behind the major attack against the Sony Pictures Entertainment hit again the company by sending threatening emails to its employees. The massive cybar attack that compromised the corporate computer network at Sony Pictures Entertainment is having a serious impact on the organization and its employees. The GOP crew, aka the Guardians of Peace, that hacked Sony Picture accessed a huge […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2014
FBI warns of major malware-based attacks following the Sony Pictures hack

The Reuters has reported that the FBI issued a confidential warning to US businesses following the destructive malware based attack on Sony Pictures. Following the major breach breach at Sony Pictures Entertainment, the FBI  issued an alert to U.S. businesses related to possible malware-based attacks. According the Reuters Agency, the malicious code described in the alert  could be the attack […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 30, 2014
Who is GOP? Is the North Korea behind the Sony Pictures data breach?

While the GOP crew continues to leak online internal files stolen in the attack on the Sony Pictures, the company is investigating on a link to North Korea. On Saturday the collective of hackers behind the recent attack on the Sony Pictures Television, the GOP, leaked online sales and contract data stolen in the data breach. […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 26, 2014
APT3 Operation Double Tap is targeting recently disclosed Windows vulnerabilities

FireEye discovered that the Group of hackers dubbed APT3 that managed the Op Clandestine Fox is now running a new campaign dubbed Operation Double Tap. Researchers at FireEye have uncovered a new advanced persistent threat crew dubbed APT3, which is using exploits targeting recently disclosed vulnerabilities in Windows. The experts at FireEye believe that APT3 is the same […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 06, 2014
Can cybercrime use the services of the regular companies?

The attacks from humans against the humans as the preliminary phase of a bigger cyber attack will become harder to mitigate, let’s see how the cybercrime works. Standard incident response requires finding out the real extend of the incident. This is why we have all the monitoring tools where we can find any matching patterns. […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 23, 2014
Sophisticated Google Drive Phishing Scam is becoming popular

Security experts at Symantec have discovered a new phishing scheme based on Google Drive that is being used by hackers to steal Google Account credentials Phishing scammers are exploring new technique to conduct illicit activities, in the recent weeks we have already discussed on the efficiency to use Google Docs and Google Drive  for phishing campaigns. Google Drive popularity […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 15, 2014
A new phishing scheme is being used to steal Google Account credentials

Security experts at Bitdefender discovered a new ingenious phishing scheme that is being used by hackers to steal Google Account credentials. Security experts at Bitdefender have discovered a news phishing scheme adopted by hackers to steal Google Account passwords. The new phishing attack is hard to catch with traditional heuristic detection, it mainly affects Google Chrome and […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 01, 2014
Facebook scammers exploit your intention to hack friends’ account

Security Experts at Symantec discovered scammers are exploiting Facebook users’ intention to hack friends’ account to compromise their profile. Symantec has discovered a new insidious scam against Facebook users, scammers targeted the social media users proposing a bogus Facebook hacking tool that promises to give the access to their friends’ accounts … unfortunately the unique account hacked is the […]