Social Engineering

Pierluigi Paganini December 31, 2011
The power of social networks

For years now we live with the confirmation of the importance of social networks and their impact on daily life. As with any other subject there are many and conflicting opinions on what is considered a social revolution. Millions, billions of people who daily exchange thoughts, opinions, images, emotions, anything that makes us feel alive […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 09, 2011
Top Nine cyber security trends for 2012? They are too few, isn’t it?

In this article I intend to read with you an interesting document, distributed by Imperva, in which they emphasized, the main threats that could cause significant problems in the coming year.  Please carefully read the entire article, first we discuss the nine threats that worry Imperva, then I will introduce the most dangerous threats from my point of view. Do not spend days where you do not hear of cyber threats, risks and possible defense strategies implemented. Governments but […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 08, 2011
Banking – new threats grow

Have you ever wondered what are the main threats have concerns the banks and financial institutions? Several survey have been conducted and apart small differenced of on numbers they all have evidenced that Top fraud threats are payment card fraud check fraud phishing/vishing account takeover third-party POS skimming When these frauds are detected?  The major […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 07, 2011
The utopian privacy

Are you able to imagine a world in which everybody is free to communicate without being intercepted, spied on, tracked? Have you ever dreamt, reading sad and bad news pages on the censure of many governments, a world where the concept of freedom of thought has been materialized? In recent decades we have witnessed radical […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 06, 2011
How much cost malware production? Which are the processes for the production of virus? (Part.2)

Here I am, as promised, to continue the research started together regarding the cost of malware. Reading news of more or less aggressive viruses that cause many damages to public infrastructure to private citizens and sometimes endangering human life itself. But when we are dealing with someone that has different works and that has no […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2011
Social Network Poisoning … they want to spy on us, we evade

Social Network Poisoning term refers the effect produced by the application of methods designed to make unreliable the knowledge related to a profile and its relationships. “Be Social” is the imperative of the last years. We live alternative lives, we have dense networks of relationships, we feel the irrepressible urge to be part of a group, to fill the void that we carry within. But this human propensity to aggregation is now the foundation of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 28, 2011
Cryptome, social networks and the inconvenient truth

Cryptome, known as Wikileaks’s competitor site  has published  online several reserved documents revealing that the police have access to information of social networks.  The documents describe how the police is able to access to Facebook user information or to the services provided by companies such as AOL and Microsoft. On Cryptome site are also available some guides that explains to cops how to investigate on a person who has used the Yahoo! Messenger. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 26, 2011
Cloud…a long journey towards a secure paradigm

When I discussed with many colleagues regarding cloud paradigm most of them smiled declaring that we face yet another found marketing to sell a methodology, known for at least a decade, under new and more appealing clothes. Indeed many of the concepts behind the cloud  approach have little innovative, but the evolutionary push to the […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 25, 2011
How much cost malware production? Which are the processes for the production of virus? (Part.1)

It is clear that the question awaits an answer deterministic, but an assessment of the main factors that influence the “final expense”. My idea is to understand what is the magnitude of the phenomenon and the costs related to a not necessarily familiar audience .  The goal is to raise awareness in the process of developing malware, and its costs. What is the purpose of the malware and how it affects the final cost? Is there a direct relationship between cost and purpose? Is there a relationship between the cost […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 09, 2011
On demand Calling service for cybercriminals growing

Trusteer Researchers have found a professional calling service that has been designed for cybercriminals needs. The service is organized to offer the extraction of sensitive information needed for bank fraud and identity theft from individuals. The security company Trusteer has discovered an advertisement for making targeted call calls in different languages to private individuals, banks, […]