Security expert Dhiraj Mishra analyzed the popular instant messaging app Telegram and identified some failures in terms of handling the users’ data. Summary:Â While understanding the implementation of various security and privacy measures in Telegram, I identified that telegram fails again in terms of handling the users data. My initial study started with understanding how self-destructing […]
Researchers observed a new tactic adopted by Magecart groups, the hackers used Telegram to exfiltrate stolen payment details from compromised websites. Researchers from Malwarebytes reported that Magecart groups are using the encrypted messaging service Telegram to exfiltrate stolen payment details from compromised websites. Attackers encrypt payment data to make identification more difficult before transferring it […]
Security expert Bob Diachenko discovered that 42 million Iranian ‘Telegram’ user IDs and phone numbers have been leaked online. Comparitech along with the popular researcher Bob Diachenko discovered 42 million Iranian ‘Telegram’ user IDs and phone numbers online. The accounts belong to Iranian users, they are from a third-party version of the Telegram app. Telegram […]
Security expert discovered that busing a well-known feature of deleting messages it is possible to threate the users’ privacy. This is not a security vulnerability its a privacy issue. As I understand Telegram a messaging app focuses on privacy which has over 10,00,00,000+  downloads in Playstore. In this case, we are abusing a well-known feature of deleting […]
Encrypted messaging service Telegram was hit by a major DDoS attack apparently originated from China, likely linked to the ongoing political unrest in Hong Kong. Telegram was used by protesters in Hong Kong to evade surveillance and coordinate their demonstrations against China that would allow extraditions from the country to the mainland. The country is […]
Telegram development team implemented a new feature that allows users to delete any received message from the sender’s device. Telegram announced a new feature to improve user privacy, the development team implemented a functionality that allows users to delete any received message from the sender’s device. Two years ago, Telegram introduced the “unsend” feature that […]
CVE-2018-17780 – Security researcher Dhiraj Mishra discovered that Telegram default configuration would expose a user’s IP address when making a call. Strangely tdesktop 1.3.14 and Telegram for windows ( WP8.1) leaks end-user private and public IP address while making calls. .@telegram unsafe default behavior of P2P leaks IP address, and CVE-2018-17780 is assigned to this. #bugbounty — Dhiraj (@RandomDhiraj) September […]
Researchers at CSE Cybsec ZLab analyzed shared published their analysis of the Telegram-based Android RAT tracked as HeroRAT. In June, researchers from security firm ESET discovered a new family of Android Remote Administration Tool (RAT), dubbed HeroRAT, that leverages the Telegram BOT API to communicate with the attacker. The use of Telegram API can be considered […]
Malware researchers from ESET have discovered a new strain of Android RAT, tracked as HeroRat, that leverages Telegram protocol for command and control, and data exfiltration. HeroRat isn’t the first malware abusing Telegram protocol, past investigation reported similar threats like TeleRAT and IRRAT. The new RAT has been in the wild at least since August 2017 and in March […]
Cisco Talos researchers have spotted a new variant of Telegrab malware designed to collect information from the Desktop version of the popular messaging service Telegram. Security experts from Cisco Talos group have spotted a new strain of malware that is targeting the desktop version of end-to-end encrypted instant messaging service Telegram. We all know that […]