Rivers of words have been written on the popular Stuxnet virus, there have been many hypotheses, sometimes contradictory, about its paternity but the only certainty seemed to be the date of its creation, but suddenly the certainty as happens in the best thriller movies has been called into question. The authors of Stuxnet, the malware […]
Everytime a news related to Stuxnet is spread in internet immediately the world wide security community writes on cyber war and the possible consequences of a cyber attacks, but what is really happened this time? Iranian authorities claim to have rejected a new cyber attack against industrial units located in the south of the country, […]
The New Your Times has recently published the news the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency was hit by a virus that stolen secret information on newest rockets from an internal computer. The precious information was stored from a computer in Tsukuba Space Center located in northeast area of Tokyo, where it has been detected a malware that […]
Cyber security is considered a primary target for every governments, the increase of cyber criminal activities, state-sponsored operations and the raise of hacktivism requires the use of additional resources to counteract these phenomena. The European Commission has announced an increase to planned cyber security budget by 14% through 2020, a figure considered not sufficient by […]
A new strange attack has hit Qatar’s natural gas pumper RasGas, like happened to Saudi Aramco company a virus has infected machines of its network. RasGas is a joint venture between Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil operating in Qatar that has an annual export quote of 36.3 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas. The attack has […]
Last week it has been registered a serious cyber attack against one of the world’s largest energy companies, the Saudi Aramco, and a group named the Arab Youth Group has claimed responsibility for the event. The group posted a message on Pastebin, declaring that the attack has been carried out to protest against the Saudi […]
The Middle East has always been considered an area of the planet’s turbulent for the continuing conflict and political tensions among the states that inhabit it. In the last two years, the tensions seem to have intensified and with it has grown the diffusion of malware for cyber espionage and for offensive purposes. In the […]
In recent years we are assisting to a profoundly change in the nature of malware, it is increased the development for spy purposes, for its spread in both private and government sectors. The recent case of Flame malware has demonstrated the efficiency of a malicious agent as a gathering tool in a typical context of […]
Article Published on The Hacker New Magazine â June Edition âMalwareâ With the term malware we refer a heterogeneous family of malicious software designed with the purpose to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access to victims systems. With the term we indicate in fact several types of malicious code such as computer […]
Excerpt from the article published on the last edition of PenTest AUDITING & STANDARDS 05 2012. The article offers an overview on cyber security issues relating to sports events, competitions that are a priority target for terrorists and cyber criminals. What weight has the information security component on the overall organization? An analysis of the main types of computer attacks and possible consequences in a highly critical contest such as a sporting event. Introduction Whenever we see a major sporting event we […]