GitHub Again Hit by a new DDoS attack

Pierluigi Paganini August 27, 2015

GitHubhit by another major DDoS attack to because Chinese developers have been forced by police to remove projects of tools to circumvent “Great Firewall.”

The software collaboration site GitHub was hit by another DDoS on Tuesday morning that made the website unavailable to many users for several hours.

github ddos2

The GitHub platform already suffered a major DDoS attack in March, in that case the attacker exploited the redirection of users who were connecting to many other websites on the Internet. The attackers injected malicious JavaScript code into the pages of those websites that was responsible for the hijacking of their visitors to Github.

Visitors who tried to access several websites in Internet used has DDoS gunner, noticed that those websites was serving advertisements and tracking code from Chinese Baidu, the code used by attackers instructs browsers of visitors to those websites to connect every two seconds. The technique allowed the attackers to generate “an extremely large amount of traffic,” according to researcher Anthr@x from Insight-labs.

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