Breaking News

Pierluigi Paganini April 23, 2017
What Is Metadata Retention, And How Do You Maintain Your Privacy?

As Australia’s newly approved Data Retention law comes into effect, how does the law actually affect the average coutry internet user? As Australia’s newly approved Data Retention law comes into effect, internet users across the country are frantically searching for a way to dodge government surveillance and ISP tracking. But how does the law actually […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 23, 2017
Fake app hiding a SMSVova spyware went undetected for years in the Google Play Stores

Millions of users looking to get software updates have downloaded an app hiding a spyware called SMSVova through the official Google Play store. Bad news for millions of Android users looking to get software updates, they have been tricked into downloading a spyware called SMSVova through the official Google Play store. Experts at Zscaler discovered […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 22, 2017
US Court sentenced Russian hacker Roman Seleznev to 27 years in jail for hacking

Roman Seleznev, the son of the prominent Russian Parliament member Valery Seleznev was sentenced to 27 years in jail for hacking. The Russian hacker Roman Seleznev, aka Track2, was sentenced to 27 years in prison, he was convicted of causing $170 million in damage by hacking into point-of-sale systems. This sentence is the longest one ever imposed in […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 22, 2017
Chinese APTs targeted the South Korean THAAD anti-missile systems

According to researchers at FireEye, Chinese hackers targeted the South Korean Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system. According to a new investigation conducted by security firm FireEye, Chinese hackers are trying to hack systems used by South Korea military to interfere with the deployment of an anti-ballistic weapons system. The news was confirmed […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 22, 2017
Hackers compromised thousands of Windows boxes using leaked NSA hack tools DOUBLEPULSAR and ETERNALBLUE

Security researcher warn of hackers compromised thousands of Windows boxes using leaked NSA hack tools DOUBLEPULSAR and ETERNALBLUE Security expert Dan Tentler, the founder of security shop Phobos Group, has observed a significant increase in the number of Windows boxes exposed on the Internet that has been hacked with DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor. The compromised windows boxes have been used […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 21, 2017
WikiLeaks published the user guide for the CIA Weeping Angel, the Samsung Smart TV Hacking Tool

WikiLeaks published the user guide related to the hacking tool allegedly used by the CIA, code-named Weeping Angel, to hack Samsung Smart TV. WikiLeaks has published a new document included in the Vault7 archive containing technical details about another hacking tool allegedly used by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). This time, the organization has […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 21, 2017
Anatomy of Cybercriminal Communications: Why do crooks prefer Skype

Security firm Flashpoint published an interesting paper titled, ‘Cybercrime Economy: An Analysis of Cybercriminal Communication Strategies‘ about cybercriminal communications of threat actors. A recent research by the threat intelligence firm Flashpoint has uncovered how malicious threat actors communicate to share information between them. The research has found out that there is a growing economy in the […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 21, 2017
The RawPOS PoS Malware also scans for driver’s license data

According to Trend Micro, the RawPOS PoS malware was recently used to steal driver’s license information from victims. Security experts at Trend Micro have spotted a new variant of the RawPOS PoS malware stealing driver’s license information from victims. The RawPOS PoS malware is an old threat that has been active since 2008. RAWPOS is a memory scraper that has infected […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 20, 2017
Vulnerabilities in Linksys routers allow attackers to hijack dozens of models

Cyber security experts disclosed the existence of 10 unpatched security flaws in dozens of Linksys routers widely used today. The IOActive senior security consultant Tao Sauvage and the independent security researcher Antide Petit have reported more than a dozen of unpatched security vulnerabilities affecting 25 different Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Routers models. The security duo published […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 20, 2017
Exfiltrating data from laptop and smartphones via ambient light sensors

A security researcher presented a method to exfiltrate sensitive data from a laptop or a smartphone through built-in ambient light sensors. The security expert Lukasz Olejnik discovered that it is possible to steal sensitive data exploiting the ambient light sensors built-in many smartphones and laptops. The ambient light sensors are installed on electronic devices to […]