The Russian Intelligence agency, the FSB, announced the discovery of a spyware in the computer networks belonging to at least 20 organizations. While security experts and the US law enforcement speculate the involvement of Russian state-sponsored hackers behind the DNC hack, the Federal Security Service, the FSB, announced the discovery of a spyware in state […]
Media outlet continues to publish news regarding the DNC hack, computer servers used by Clinton campaign were compromised as part of DNC hack. The news of the recent Democratic National Convention (DNC) hack is monopolizing the technological debate around the US presidential campaign. Yesterday I reported the news of another hack against the operation of the DNC, according to the Reuters, […]
Another attack hit the Democratic Party organization, this time, the Democratic Party’s congressional fundraising DCCC committee was hit by hackers. The Democratic Party organization continues to be under attack, this time, the Democratic Party’s congressional fundraising committee was hit by hackers. According to the Reuters, the FBI is investigating a security breach of the systems of the […]
Authorities in South Korea are blaming hackers from North Korea for a massive data breach affecting 10 million Interpark online shoppers. North Korea launched a new cyber attack against the South, according to the Government of Seoul a massive data breach exposed data belonging to an Internet shopping mall. This week, authorities in South Korea accused […]
The notorious hacker Detox Ransome was searching for Heartbleed vulnerable servers when found and stole a Democratic National Committee DB in 2015. According to The Epoch Times, the notorious hacker Detox Ransome stole Democrat Databases in 2015. In September 2015, the hacker breached a service linked to the operations of the Democratic National Committee accessing the internal database. Detox […]
Scammers exploit the recent a wave of attacks to trick victims with phishing offensive and steal sensitive data from the unaware users. Crooks always exploits the media attention on tragic events for their illegal activities and trick victims with social engineering techniques. Experts observed scammers in the past exploiting news like the crash of Malaysia Airlines […]
QRLJacking is an attack technique devised by a cyber security researcher to Hijack bypass QR Code Based Quick Login System. Many desktop applications such as Line, WeChat, and WhatsApp allow users to authenticate themself with the Secure Quick Response Login method that relies on QR-code. The QR-code-based authentication system allows users to quickly access a website […]
Security experts at DigitalShadow security firm published a detailed analysis that demonstrates platform facilitates cybercrime activities. Security experts from Digital Shadows have conducted a deep analysis of the Russian cybercrime website The site aims to facilitate cyber criminal activities allowing even crooks without specific skills to become dangerous crooks. The barriers to entry in the […]
Today I have interviewed RazorBlade, (@JustAnotherBoat), another hacker involved in several hacking campaigns. Enjoy the Interview. Could you tell me which his your technical background and when you started hacking? Which are your motivations? I started hacking about 2 years ago but my curiosity allowed me to gain Alot of experience. What was your […]
A new ransomware campaign relies on a Locky variant that is distributed through JavaScript that includes the binary of the threat itself. Locky is one of the most infamous threats of the ransomware family and according to the experts it is in continuous evolution. The threat has been using JavaScript attachments as a distribution mechanism, but most […]