Breaking News

Pierluigi Paganini July 09, 2015
Shodan, the Google of the Internet of Things

Google finds websites meanwhile Shodan finds devices exposed on the web, including Internet of Things devices, that’s why hackers love it! In 2009 John Matherly introduced the Shodan search engine, and at the time the media commented this with doubts and suspicion. Shodan indexes the information related devices exposed on the internet in the same way […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 09, 2015
NYSE, United Airlines, WSJ contemporary down, cyber attacks or incidents?

Trading was halted for more than two hours on the NYSE floor, contemporary United Airlines system and the Wall Street Journal suffered a temporary outage. The scenario could appear apocalyptic, yesterday trading was halted for more than two hours on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) floor and at the same time  United Airlines and the […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 09, 2015
Morpho, the financially motivated espionage target giant firms

Morpho is the name of a financially motivated espionage group that targets large enterprises, including Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, and Facebook. Security experts have discovered and analyzed the activities of a financially motivated APT group, dubbed Morpho and Wild Neutron, that has targeted a large number of high profile companies worldwide. According to the analysis published by […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 08, 2015
Hacking Team Flash Zero-Day exploits are being used in the wild

Security experts confirmed that Adobe Flash vulnerability revealed in the recent attack against the Hacking Team is being used in the wild. Every IT security website is publishing information related to the recent hack of the Hacking Team and consequent exfiltration of more than 400 GB of sensitive data. The most scaring scenario is already […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 08, 2015
Linux, Apache, MySQL is all that evil XKeyscore needs to control the world

According to new revelations of the popular whistleblower Edward Snowden the powerful spying machine XKEYSCORE runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In August 2013, Edward Snowden revealed the existence if a tool named DNI Presenter that allows the Agency to read the content of stored emails, and it also enables the intelligence analysts to tool collects […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 08, 2015
Sophos discovered new tricks to poison Google Search engine

Hackers are using a new search engine poisoning method to circumvent Google’s page ranking-algorithms, the technique relies on PDF documents. Researchers from Sophos discovered the new search poisoning method used to circumvent cloaking-detection mechanisms implemented by Google. The experts found hundreds of thousands of unique PDF documents per day implementing the poisoning technique. The term cloaking indicates the […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 08, 2015
Hackers’ capability to crash trains raises security concerns, malware could lead to train crashes in the UK

Cyber attacks can crash trains. Intense security concerns have emerged, after the upgrade of the British railway network that can be affected by malware. The new railway network upgrade in the United Kingdom has raised a lot of concerns, as far as its overall network security is concerned. It seems that over thirty million pounds […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 07, 2015
Adobe Zero-Day Exploits leaked in Hacking Team hack

Researchers discovered several exploits in the data stolen from the Hacking Team, including ones for zero-day vulnerabilities. The recent hack of the Hacking Team firm has caused the exposure of 400GB of corporate data which includes source code (GitHub repository), emails and other sensitive documents belonging to the surveillance software firm. According to security experts at Trend Micro, the […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 07, 2015
Traffic in Tor network is being sniffed in the exit nodes

A security researcher conducted an experiment to demonstrate that someone is sniffing passing traffic from Tor network exit nodes. When talking about Tor network, normally everyone assumes that you have an end-to-end security, but someone believes it may be wrong as it was discovered by the security researcher Chloe. Tor network is free and it […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 07, 2015
Hacking Team asks customers to stop operations and don’t use its malware

Following the clamorous Hacking Team hack the company asked all its customers to shut down all the operations and don’t use its solutions in this phase. Hacking Team has been hacked and its social media account hijacked, the news is shocking the IT security industry because privacy advocated have always accused the company to sell […]