Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini May 28, 2014
Extortion scheme based on ransom request hit Australian Apple Users

Cybercriminals have targeted a large number of Apple’s iCloud users with a sophisticated extortion scheme based on ransom request in Australia. The 2013 is considered the year of ransomware, the number of infections related to this kind of threat has reached levels never seen before. Cryptolocker is without doubts the most popular malware of this type, […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 27, 2014
CYBERPOL Investigates Indentify theft online

CYBERPOL the International Cyber-Security Organization (ICSO)  is looking into the ID theft of personalities on social websites online that offers very little, if any protection of your identity being used by third parties. This comes after a fake Ban Ki Moon ID profile was discovered by CYBERPOL  on LinkedIn on Sunday past. During the examination, […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 26, 2014
Twitter spam campaign ‘US Gov trying to shut down Bitcoin’

US Government was working on taking down Bitcoin, this is the theme of a new spam campaign via Twitter to spread malicious links. Security Experts at Malwarebytes have discovered a malicious scam spreading malicious links via Twitter. The cyber criminals behind the spam campaign are spreading malware through rogue tweets by a number of bogus Twitter accounts, they […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 25, 2014
FireEye-Mandiant data confirms DOJ’s Findings on APT1

Experts at Mandiant have corroborated the DOJ’s data by releasing additional evidence not included in the original APT1 report. One of the news most important shared on the internet this week it the one related to the indictment announced by US Department of Justice (DOJ) on five members of PLA Unit 61398. One year ago Mandiant experts deeply analyzed […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 24, 2014
Unrecom phishing campaign hit high-profile entities globally

Security Experts at Fidelis Cyber Security firm have recently discovered a new phishing campaign using the Unrecom RAT (remote access trojan). Fidelis Cyber Security firm has recently issued the Fidelis Threat Advisory #1013 to detail a phishing campaign using the Unrecom RAT (remote access trojan). Experts at Fidelis during the last two weeks have observed an increase […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 23, 2014
Nemanja, a botnet of thousand POSs, Grocery Management and Accounting Systems

Experts at Intelligence firm IntelCrawler have detected a new botnet dubbed Nemanja composed by compromised POS terminals, accounting systems and grocery management platforms. On March 2014 experts at IntelCrawler have identified Nemanja, one of the biggest botnets based on compromised POS terminals, accounting systems and grocery management platforms. Cyber-threat intelligence company IntelCrawler is one of the companies most active […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 23, 2014
Sophisticated Google Drive Phishing Scam is becoming popular

Security experts at Symantec have discovered a new phishing scheme based on Google Drive that is being used by hackers to steal Google Account credentials Phishing scammers are exploring new technique to conduct illicit activities, in the recent weeks we have already discussed on the efficiency to use Google Docs and Google Drive  for phishing campaigns. Google Drive popularity […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 22, 2014
Chip-and-PIN cards easily cloning with the pre-play attack

A team of British researchers discovered a series of security flaw, Pre-Play Vulnerability, which allow Chip-and-PIN Payment Card Cloning. The recent incident to the US giant retailers Target and Neiman Marcus has raised the debate on the real level of security of credit/debit cards used by US citizens, in response VISA and Mastercard are accelerating the migration […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2014
5 Chinese PLA officials accused of cyber espionage on US companies

The United States has filed criminal charges against five Chinese military PLA officials for cyber espionage and hacking against several US companies. The United States early this week charged five Chinese military PLA officers and accused them of hacking into computers of American companies. US authorities accused the China’s People’s Liberation Army officers of hacking […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 18, 2014
Criminals capture PINs over wireless remotely instead tamper ATMs

Criminals are exploiting news tactics to steal user’s PIN from ATMs, capturing them over wireless network instead risky tampering of the banking machine. Cyber criminals are adopting even more creative and sophisticated methods to collect user’s personal information, of course banking data is very attractive for hackers that could decide to directly use it for cyber frauds, […]