Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini November 10, 2014
Darkhotel – Cybercrime crew targets execs using hotel Internet

Kaspersky revealed that a crew of criminals dubbed Darkhotel targets executives traveling across Asia through hotel internet networks. Security experts at Kaspersky Lab uncovered the Darkhotel espionage campaign, which is ongoing for at least four years while targeting selected corporate executives traveling abroad. According to the experts, threat actors behind the Darkhotel campaign aim to steal sensitive data from executives while […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 10, 2014
Manual phishing attacks are the simplest and most effective hacking technique

A study published by Google demonstrates that manual phishing attacks are the simplest and most effective method for hacking email accounts. A study recently published by Google demonstrates that so-called manual phishing attacks are the simplest and most effective method for hijacking users’ email address. Let’s consider that the manual phishing attacks, as suggested by the name, doesn’t use […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 09, 2014
WireLurker malware is threatening Apple mobile devices

Security Experts at Palo Alto Networks have discovered a new variant of malware dubbed WireLurker that is infecting Apple mobile devices. A new strain of malware dubbed WireLurker  is threatening Apple users, the malicious code is able to infect Apple iPhone and iPad syphoning user’data. The malware was discovered for the first time by experts […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 09, 2014
Amazon phishing campaign aim to infect Holiday shoppers

Security experts at AppRiver firm uncovered Malicious Amazon phishing emails that aim to infect Holiday Shoppers in the U.S. and U.K. Researchers at AppRiver firm reported that cyber criminals are targeting holiday shoppers at Amazon UK with large a scale phishing campaign, which is spreading malicious emails. The emails sent by crooks include malicious Microsoft Word documents […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 07, 2014
Operation Onymous, the joint attack against dark markets in Tor

Operation Onymous – Law enforcement and judicial agencies around the globe conducted a joint action against dark markets on Tor networks. This morning I have reported the news of the seizure for the underground black market Silk Road 2.0 and the arrest of its alleged manager, Defcon” Benthall. In reality, the shutdown of Silk Road 2.0 is […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 07, 2014
FBI arrested Blake “Defcon” Benthall and seized Silk Road 2.0

Silk Road 2.0 shut down by the FBI that arrested Blake “Defcon” Benthall, alleged operator of the underground black market specialized in the sale of drugs. The FBI announced the arrest of Blake Benthall, also known as “Defcon,” the alleged owner and operator of black market Silk Road 2.0, Ars that is following the case […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 06, 2014
Facebook scams – Top 5 categories identified by a 2-year study

A two-year study conducted by researchers at Bitdefender analyzed more than 850000 Facebook scams identifying the most popular frauds. Experts at Bitdefender antivirus software provider have conducted a two-year study on the way crime exploit the popular social network Facebook, the analysis examines nearly 850,000 Facebook scams. The study on Facebook scams analyzed data from different […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 06, 2014
Can cybercrime use the services of the regular companies?

The attacks from humans against the humans as the preliminary phase of a bigger cyber attack will become harder to mitigate, let’s see how the cybercrime works. Standard incident response requires finding out the real extend of the incident. This is why we have all the monitoring tools where we can find any matching patterns. […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 06, 2014
Operation Huyao, the scary evolution of phishing attacks

Security experts at TrendMicro have discovered a new Phishing technique dubbed Operation Huyao that it very hard to detect by site owners and end-users. Security experts have uncovered a new phishing technique, dubbed Operation Huyao, targeting online shopping websites and that is considered by researchers a significantly change to the threat landscape for phishing activities. In a classic […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 06, 2014
ROM is the new improved strain of the Backoff PoS Malware

Security experts at Fortinet detected a new variant of Backoff malicious code dubbed ROM, which is an improved version of the popular POS malware. A new strain of the Backoff point of sale malware has been detected in the wild by security experts at Fortinet, the new variant dubbed ROM (W32/Backoff.B!tr.spy) appears more fine-tuned. Like Backoff, ROM […]