
Pierluigi Paganini March 18, 2015
DLL Hijacking can affect OS X

DLL hijacking is not a prerogative for Windows systems, it is a common hacking technique that is very effective against OS X based machines. As you may know, DLL hijacking it’s something that its around since around 2000 and allows hackers to exploit a machine with a vulnerable application ( just one of the possibilities […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 16, 2015
Cyber attacks against Organizations increased once again

71 percent of organizations were victims of successfully cyber attacks in 2014 according to the “2015 Cyberthreat Defense Report” report. The CyberEdge Group published an interesting report, titled “2015 Cyberthreat Defense Report” that in line with similar studies confirms the increase in the number of successful cyber attacks against organizations. The report analyzed data provided by 814 organizations, it […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 16, 2015
ICS-CERT MONITOR report states most critical infrastructure attacks involve APTs

DHS ICS-CERT MONITOR report reveals that most critical infrastructure attacks involve APTs, but organizations lack monitoring capabilities. The DHS’s Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) has issued its new ICS-CERT MONITOR report related to the period September 2014 – February 2015. The ICS-CERT MONITOR report According to the report, the Industrial Control Systems […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 15, 2015
Protecting sensitive data: an approach to prevent data exfiltration

Data exfiltration is mechanism to data breach that occurs when an individual’s or organization’s data is illegally copied from its systems. It’s not a matter of “if” you will be attacked, but “when”. Preventing attackers from breaching our system is a necessity and stopping them before they can complete their mission is a requirement. Analyzing […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 12, 2015
Killer USB – how to burn a PC with a USB device

The security expert Dark Purple detailed its experiment for building a weaponized Killer USB device that could be used to burn a machine. Is it possible to use an apparently USB drive to kill an individual? It seems the scene of a Sci-Fi movie, anyway it is an interesting topic to explore. Let’s read together […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 12, 2015
Hacking Facebook by exploiting two reflected file download flaws

A security researcher has discovered two different  reflected file download flaws in Facebook that could be exploited to hit its users. Security researcher David Sopas from WebSegura has discovered a couple of security flaw in Facebook that could be exploited by an attacker respectively to upload an arbitrary file to the social network or to gain control […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 11, 2015
Reconnect tool for hacking Facebook is publicly available

The security expert Egor Homakov from Sakurity firm has released the Reconnect tool that allows hackers to hijack accounts on sites that use Facebook logins. The security expert Security Egor Homakov has developed a hacking tool dubbed Reconnect that exploit a flaw in Facebook to hijack accounts on sites that use Facebook logins. Homakov, with works for […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 11, 2015
Apple and Microsoft released updates to fix the FREAK flaw

Microsoft and Apple released security updates to fix the FREAK vulnerability recently discovered and affecting their products. FREAK is a major security flaw recently discovered that left users of Apple and Google devices exposed to MITM attack while visiting supposedly secure Websites. At the same time Microsoft issued a specific security advisory to inform its […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 11, 2015
Exploiting the Rowhammer flaw in DRAM to control your PC

Researchers at Google’s Project Zero have demonstrated how to exploit Rowhammer problem in DRAM to gain kernel privileges on Linux systems. Security researchers at Google’s Project Zero team have demonstrated that is possible to hijack the Intel-compatible PCs running Linux by exploiting the physical weaknesses in certain varieties of DDR DRAM (double data rate dynamic random-access […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 10, 2015
How the CIA is working to break the security of Apple devices

A new interesting report published by The Intercept details the effort spent by the US intelligence to compromise the security of Apple devices. The Intercept published another disconcerting post on the US Intelligence campaign aimed to steal the secrets of the IT giant Apple. According to top-secret documents disclosed by The Intercept a team of researchers working with the Central […]