
Pierluigi Paganini November 04, 2016
Malware used to spy Iran’s nuclear negotiations in the Geneve’s venue

Switzerland’s attorney general has confirmed to have investigated the presence of spyware in a venue that also hosted talks on Iran’s nuclear negotiations. Swiss officials confirmed to have found an espionage malware in the computer equipment at Geneva venue, a five-star hotel (believed to be Hotel PrĂ©sident Wilson)  that has hosted sensitive talks including Iranian nuclear negotiations. […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 04, 2016
Shadows Kill Mirai Botnet caused an Internet outage in Liberia, what is the next one?

Mirai botnet was used to power a massive DDoS attack against Liberia causing the Internet outage in the entire country with financially devastating results. Mirai is the malware that a few weeks ago caused a massive Internet outage in the US. Mirai was first spotted this summer by the security expert MalwareMustDie, now media reported the use of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 03, 2016
Hospitals of the National Health Service (NHS) network were paralyzed by a malware

A malware compromised the NHS network, hundreds of scheduled operations, appointments, and diagnostic procedures have been canceled. The situation is becoming even more worrying and dangerous, healthcare  industry continues to be targeted by hackers and malware. Cyber attacks on hospitals is a disconcerting trend emerged across the years, they represent a serious threat for data […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 03, 2016
Sundown exploit kit – Conquering the criminal underground

Cisco Talos group analyzed the evolution of the Sundown exploit kit that over the past six months has become responsible for a large number of infections. Over the past months, the threat landscape for exploit kits is rapidly changing. Angler EK, Neutrino EK, and Nuclear EK that for years monopolized the criminal underground disappeared. Now, […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 30, 2016
AV-TEST study sees search engine results even more poisoned with malicious links

According to a study published by the independent anti-virus testing outfit AV-TEST, the number of malicious search engine results has been increasing. The vast majority of the Internet users blindly trust data provided in response to their queries to the search engines. Actually, search engine results are increasingly poisoned with malicious links, the experts noticed a […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 29, 2016
Exclusive: MalwareMustDie spotted a new IoT Linux/IRCTelnet malware made in Italy

Exclusive: The security researcher MalwareMustDie has found a new Linux/IRCTelnet malware– made in Italy – that aims IoT botnet connected by IRC and Telnet. It is able to generate an IPv6 DDoS and performing NEW dangerous capabilities that Mirai was unable to cover. In  a brief interview to Security Affairs @unixfreakjp of MalwareMustDie group explains […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 27, 2016
CloudFanta Malware Steals Banking Information Via Cloud Storage Apps

Watch out, threat research labs Netskope spotted the CloudFanta Malware Stealing Banking Information Via Cloud Storage Apps. Threat Research Labs, Netskope, published a detailed research on the malware “CloudFanta” campaign, suspect since July 2016 to steal more than 26,000 worth of email credentials. CloudFanta benefits from the ‘SugarSync’ – a cloud storage app – to […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 23, 2016
Linux.BackDoor.FakeFile.1, a new Linux backdoor in the wild

Security researchers at the security firm Doctor Web have spotted a new Linux backdoor dubbed Linux.BackDoor.FakeFile.1 in the wild. Security firms continue to observe an increasing number of malware specifically designed to target Linux-based systems. Linux, like any other Operating System, could be infected by malicious codes designed to compromise the hosts and gain the control over […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 19, 2016
Magento card-swiping malware hides stolen card data in legitimate images

Security experts have spotted an interesting exfiltration technique adopted by crooks to exfiltrate card data from Magento platforms. Security experts from Sucuri and RiskIQ have spotted an interesting exfiltration technique adopted by crooks to exfiltrate payment data from compromised e-commerce websites powered by the Magento platform. Cybercriminals have been using image files to store and exfiltrate […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 17, 2016
The new TrickBot Banking Trojan seems to have been developed by Dyre authors

Researchers at Fidelis Cybersecurity believe that someone behind the development of the Dyre banking Trojan is now behind the new Trickbot malware. This morning I published a post on the data provided by Group-IB on crime trends, the report published by the security firm reveals a continuous evolution of cybercriminal ecosystem. The story that I’m going to […]