
Pierluigi Paganini July 05, 2014
Massive Boleto fraud in Brazil caused 3,75 USD billion losses

RSA Security has discovered a large-scale malware campaign, which hijacked Boleto payments causing an amount of financial losses for 3,75 USD billion losses. Security experts at RSA Security have recently discovered a large-scale malware campaign that’s been operating at least for two years, the malicious code implements the man-in-the-browser technique to exploit vulnerabilities in popular browsers, including Chrome, Firefox […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 03, 2014
CosmicDuke malware surprisingly linked to Miniduke campaign

While investigating on MiniDuke malware, experts at F-Secure discovered a surprising link to a new malware, dubbed CosmicDuke, belonging to Cosmu family. Early 2013 experts at Kaspersky Lab and Hungary’s Laboratory of Cryptography and System Security (CrySyS) uncovered a cyber espionage campaign dubbed Miniduke which targeted dozens of computers at government agencies across Europe. The hackers exploited a […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 03, 2014
Geodo, the banking trojan with email self-spreading feature

Security researchers from Seculert firm have discovered a variant of the Cridex banking worm, dubbed Geodo, which spreads itself through email. In the last months a significant number of banking trojans have been proposed by cyber criminal ecosystem, from EMOTET to Dyreza, criminals have used a wide casuistry of techniques to deceive bank customers. The primary purpose of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 02, 2014
Dragonfly gang is targeting Western energy industry

Security experts at Symantec have detected a new series of attacks worldwide conducted by the Dragonfly gang on SCADA/ICS in critical infrastructure. The energy industry is under attack, more than one thousand companies in Europe and North America are constantly under attack. ICS/SCADA systems are privileged targets of state-sponsored hackers and cyber criminals, last week I wrote […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 29, 2014
Selfmite, the rare Android worm which spreads itself by sending SMS

Experts at AdaptiveMobile discovered a rare Android SMS worm dubbed Selfmite which spreads itself by sending SMS including a malicious link to the contact list. Security researchers at AdaptiveMobile have discovered a rare Android malware dubbed Selfmite that propagates via SMS text messages, the worm in fact sends malicious links to 20 contacts present in the device owner’s address book. Selfmite […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 28, 2014
EMOTET the banking malware which uses network sniffing

Security Experts at Trend Micro have detected a new banking malware, dubbed EMOTET, which uses also network sniffing capabilities to target bank customers. The number of malware families designed to hit the banking industry is in constant growth, in this first part of the year the number of malicious code used by cyber criminals for […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 27, 2014
PlugX RAT with Time Bomb abuses Dropbox in targeted attacks

Trend Micro analyzed a targeted attack against a Taiwanese government entity which used a variant of the PlugX RAT that abuses the Dropbox service. Researchers from Trend Micro discovered that a targeted attack against a government agency in Taiwan was conducted using a variant of the PlugX remote access tool (RAT) which abuses the popular file hosting service […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 25, 2014
Cyber espionage campaign based on Havex RAT hit ICS/SCADA systems

Security Experts at F-Secure discovered a cyber espionage campaign based in the Havex malware targeting ICS/SCADA systems and vendors. Security Experts at F-Secure have conducted an investigation on the Havex Malware family in the past months, let’s remember that the malicious agent has been used in several targeted attacks against different industry sectors, and according […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 25, 2014
Luuuk Campaign Steals €500K from an European bank in one week

Security experts at Kasperky Lab has uncovered the Luuuk banking fraud campaign which stolen half a million euros in a single week from a single bank. Experts at Kaspersky Labs discovered new banking Trojan dubbed Luuuk which hit the customers of a single European financial institution. In one week, Luuuk trojan targeted a single European bank, not […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 24, 2014
HackingTeam, new revelations on the surveillance network

Kaspersky Lab and Citizen Lab have released the results of their analysis on the global C2 infrastructure used by the Italian firm HackingTeam. Security experts from Kaspersky Lab and Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto have released the results of their analysis on the  global command and control […]