
Pierluigi Paganini June 24, 2014
Top website Askmen hacked and used to serve a banking trojan, one of the most popular websites on the Internet (Top 1000 Alexa), is compromised to sever the banking trojan Caphaw. Security experts at Websense have discovered that cyber criminals have compromised the popular website and they used it to serve malware. The attackers deployed several exploits to compromise the visitors, and if successful, the victim […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 21, 2014
A new Bitcoin Mining trojan spread via Facebook

Hundreds of Facebook users from Portugal, Belgium, India, Romania, Serbia and other countries got infected with a new Bitcoin mining Trojan. Social media represents a privileged target for cybercrime, the last threat that is menacing Facebook users is a new malicious campaign which spread a Trojan with mining capabilities. Security Expert at Bitdefender firm discovered that […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 17, 2014
Once again Android Smartphone from China with pre-installed malware

Security Experts at German G Data discovered that a popular Chinese Android Smartphone, Star N9500, comes with a pre-installed spyware. It’s not a mystery that many Android Smartphone comes with pre-installed applications, unfortunately some of them could hide an ugly surprise for the owner, a malware that can steal user’s data. In April the Chinese TV […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 17, 2014
Dyreza banking Trojan uses browser hooking to defeat SSL

Security experts at CSIS in Denmark have discovered a new piece of banking malware, dubbed Dyreza, which implements browser hooking to defeat SSL. Dyreza is the name of a new banking Trojan which is targeting numerous financial institutions, including Bank of America, Citibank, Natwest, RBS and Ulsterbank. Dyreza captured the attention of security researchers due the technique it […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 16, 2014
Fake Versions of World Cup 2014 Apps targeting Android users

Security Experts at Trend Micro have discovered different World Cup themed malicious application targeting Android mobile devices. The World Cup 2014 is an excellent occasion for cyber criminals to trick users with social engineering techniques into downloading any kind of malicious content. Of course mobile users are a privileged target for cyber criminals, different World Cup-themed […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 16, 2014
Change in App permissions raises privacy and security issues

A review in the organization of app permissions made by Google could allow malicious apps to silently gain further permissions on the victim’s device. Google has recently made a significant change to the management process for permissions on Android devices, unfortunately security experts noticed that the change could advantage bad actors that intend to conduct attacks against the mobile […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 15, 2014
Svpeng Android ransomware is impossible to repel after the infection

Experts at Kaspersky Lab are following the evolution of Svpeng Android malware, born as banking trojan and evolved in ransomware which hit US customers. The mobile malware Svpeng is evolving and recent versions were adapted to classic extortion scheme targeting Android devices in the US. Svpeng was detected for the first time one year ago […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 14, 2014
BKDR_VAWTRAK malware uses Windows feature to defend itself

The malware specialists at Trend Micro noticed that malicious agent BKDR_VAWTRAK is abusing a Windows feature SRP to prevent victims’ defense systems. Experts at Trend Micro have discovered that Japanese Internet users are being infected by a trojan, dubbed BKDR_VAWTRAK, which uses Windows to try to defeat security software on infected machines. Like many other […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 13, 2014
Zeus malware is hard to eradicate, the criminal ecosystem continues to innovate it

Prolexic security and engineering response team has issued a study on the possible uses of Zeus malware, remarking that its success is the versatility. Zeus malware never dies, it seems the title of a film, but the reality goes over the fiction, despite the recent success of law enforcement agencies in the takeover of Gameover […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 11, 2014
Pandemiya is a written-from-scratch trojan being sold in the underground

RSA Security’s FraudAction team released a report on Pandemiya, a new banking Trojan being sold in hacker forums as an alternative to the popular Zeus. RSA Security’s FraudAction team issued a report on Pandemiya, a banking Trojan being proposed in the underground ecosystem as the most effective alternative to the Zeus banking Trojan. Pandemiya Trojan is being sold for as […]