Security experts at Trend micro uncovered a new hacking campaign dubbed Operation Woolen Goldfish likely run by a threat actor group known as Rocket Kitten. Security experts at Trend Micro have uncovered a new cyber espionage campaign that is targeting a number of European organisations and businesses. The attackers run a spear phishing campaign that […]
Security researchers developed a new BIOS bootkit that exploit recently discovered vulnerabilities. The experts will present their study to the CanSecWest. BIOS bootkits are a reality despite there is little evidence of BIOS implants in the wild. The BIOS bootkits was mentioned when Snowden disclosed the catalog of surveillance tools used by the NSA ANT division, these malicious malware are […]
Hacker who posted online information on Nuclear Plants in South Korea demands money for not selling other sensitive information to other governments. The Government of Seoul has issued a report blaming North Korea for cyber attacks against computers at Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP), a subsidiary of the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) that […]
Security Experts at Malwarebytes security firm spotted a new Facebook worm that spreads itself by leveraging multiple cloud services. Social media are a privileged attack vector, recent reports published by the principal security firms confirm that cyber criminal are exploiting these platforms for illegal activities. Last disastrous news for the users of the popular social […]
A security bulletin recently released by Microsoft addresses the LNK flaw that was exploited by Stuxnet and that we have wrongly considered patched since 2010. If you followed IT in the last years, you might remember that Stuxnet was discovered around mid-2010 and at the time it was used against the Iranian nuclear program. The […]
A new approach based on windows products IDs for dynamic mutex could allow the creation of new malware running undetected on systems for much more time. Before talking about “TreasureHunter” itself, I think it’s worth to give you a background about mutex and as Microsoft says: “For example, to prevent two threads from writing to […]
Android Gazon malware redirects a potential victim to a webpage that promises an Amazon gift card if you install an APK file hosted on the page. There is a new piece of malware called “Gazon”, and according to “adaptivemobile” already 4000 android users are infected. “Gazon” was discovered on 25 of February and until yesterday […]
Experts at Bitdefender revealed that crooks used seemingly harmless help files to distribute a variant of the popular ransomware CryptoWall. The cybercrime never ceases to surprise, every time we discuss a new and effective technique to deceive victims and evade detection mechanisms. Security experts at Bitdefender have discovered a new spam campaign that targeted a few […]
Experts at Trustwave have discovered a spam campaign composed of several hundred messages trying to serve Dridex trojan though xml documents. Early 2015 security experts discovered a variant of banking malware dubbed Dridex that was spread through a phishing campaign using Microsoft Excel documents embedding malicious macro to infect victims’ machines. The Dridex malware implements features […]
The security firm Bluebox discovered a preinstalled malware, many malicious apps, and a series of security holes on the Xiaomi Mi 4 smartphone. After the episode of Lenovo pre-installed malware, another case is worrying the IT community. This time, security firm Bluebox has discovered pre-installed malware and other security issues with a Xiaomi Mi 4 mobile […]